segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2015

Introdução ao povo Laz e ao Lazistão, na atual Turquia.

"Lazistan: The Laz speaking area within Turkey
Kaukasische Sprachen / Caucasian languages / Langues caucasiennes

Das lasische Sprachgebiet in der Türkei "

Página no Facebook:

Achei extremamente importantes estes dois trechos do manifesto abaixo dos intelectuais Laz sobre como eles veem sua etnia. Ao ler estas passagens, percebi que, apesar dos óbvios elos linguísticos que o povo Laz possuem com o Georgiano, eles se consideram uma nação/povo tanto histórica como linguísticamente independente. Foi-me muito importante ler tal afirmação pois, até esta leitura, eu também acreditava que eles aceitassem a visão georgiana sobre seu povo!

"We would like to clarify the following points to the people and institutions who are trying to understand:

The Laz community has not been a part of the Georgian community and is still not one today. The Laz community is not Georgian (Kartvelian). The Laz people have been the Laz people since the beginning of history and intend to stay that way. The historic, linguistic, and cultural affiliation of the Laz community cannot be the debate topic of any person or institution. There is no question about this!

The Laz Language is in no way a part of the Georgian language, neither linguistically, nor as a dialect of the Georgian. The Laz community objects to and rejects any political terminologies such as Kartvelian Language, SaertoKartveluri (Common Kartvelian). These terminologies foreground the Georgian language and disregard the Mingelian and Laz language as a written language. As a result of this, the Laz and Mingrelian literature is ignored and is even termed as separatist literature and has become subject of ridicule. Using the more scientific and apolitical terminology “South Caucasian Languages” instead, will present a more suitable, correct, and more scientific attitude. ..."

"Laz Intellectuals Explain Their View of Laz Ethnicity"

Uma linda canção Laz, postada pela página do Facebook LAZ:

Comentário e link postados pela página supracitada:

"A Laz song. Ardestani, Tolga Kurdoğlu.

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