sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2017

Poema recitado na língua Scots:THE SHALDER'S PEEP

Poema escrito postado por  Glenn Muir no grupo do Facebook Scots Language Society/ Scots Leid Associe


Peep, peep, peep, peep, peep

Shrill in anger and desperation

Abune Grangemooth Centre
Swooping Shalder, herried by wicked gulls.
As they scour the level flatness
For rooftap egg or chick
Brawly they mob the lesser black-backs
Yet for aa thir ettle an thrawnness
The game is up
Nae hiding place for Shalder weans
Mither an faither, they seem tae weep
As they flutter awa aa fey an desolate
Peep, peep, peep, peep, peep."

Link útil: 
Dicionário grátis online da língua Scots (para o inglês): 
Dictionary of the Scots Language / Dictionar o the Scots Leid

quarta-feira, 28 de junho de 2017

Tribos aficanas com ligações genéticas com o povo Hebreu, comprovadas ou ainda em fase de testes de DNA.

Alguns artigos em inglês sobre os Lemba e os Igboos primeiros já testados geneticamente e confirmados como postadores de marcadores genéticos israelitas, o DNA dos Igbo estando ainda a ser testado no momento:

Obs.: Sobre a possível ligação dos Igbo com o povo israelita, há um artigo de 2010 de Alice C. Lindsley que achei bem interessante:

As linhas finais do artigo, resumindo sua visão sobre o assunto:

" ... Apparently the Igbo ancestors intermarried with the people of Nok to whom they were probably related by blood. This was before the time when we can speak of Arabs and Jews. Nok dominance existed for at least 1,000 years before the establishment of the royal city of Daura. (Read more about that here.)."
 Posted by Alice C. Linsley on January 20, 2010 at 5:40am in The OAC ForumView Discussions

Mais alguns artigos sobre a ligação sobre a ligação dos Lemba com os israelitas e os testes genéticos feitos no DNA Igbo para confirmar a mesma ligação entre este outro povo africano:

Todos os organismos têm uma memória epigenética e, nos humanos, ela se manifesta de várias formas complexas que apenas começam a ser descobertas por nossos cientistas.

Sem conhecermos nossas raízes mais profundas, sofreremos de uma eterna e não identificada saudade do que não chegamos sequer a conhecer ao nível consciente mas que, nem por isso, deixa de nos causar uma inquietante angústia do ser, pois trazemos em nossa complexa biologia as mesmas dores e alegrias de nossos ancestrais!

Sem nossas raízes mais profundas, perdemos toda a riqueza do enriquecimento da consciência acumulado por nossos ancestrais, assim como os subsídios necessários para entendermos aquela parte de nós mesmos que deles vem.

E o autoconhecimento, sem este aspecto, estará sempre incompleto, pois, no fundo, estaremos ainda alijados da camada mais profunda de nossa identidade, do proprio cerne desta última!

E eis os links que sempre posto em meu ativismo na web, sempre que surge a oportunidade, sobre o movimento iluminado do grande ativista Tsvi Misinai (dois destes vídeos estão links mais recentes, há outros no Youtube para os mesmos vídeos, de outros canais):

University Genetics Study Shows Palestinians are Jews Part 1

University Genetics Study Shows Palestinians are Jews Part 2

Uma entrevista já histórica dada por Tsvi Misinai ao canal do Youtube Jerusalem Channel
DNA Dynamite! Are Palestinians Actually Jews

segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2017

Artigo mostra por que estudar línguas extintas - como o acadiano, por exemplo - também é importante.

"Why Dead Languages like Akkadian Still Matterby Aviya Kushner

Thanks to Yannis Ikonomou for posting the link above on the Facebook group Any Language at All blog official fan club#1

Artigo relacionado:
"Tree Of Languages Aptly Presents The Numerous Linguistic Branches Of The ‘Mother’ Indo-European Tongue" Posted by: DATTATREYA MANDAL  on JUNE 26, 2017

Thanks to ΕΛΕΝΑ Δ. ΑΓΓΕΛΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ for posting this link on the Facebook group Any Language at All

sábado, 24 de junho de 2017

Os Anais de Senacherib em um PDF gratuito em inglês!

"The Annals of Sennacherib" by Daniel David Luckenbill, Ph.D.
Professor of Semitic Languages and Literature at the University of Chigago
Meus agradecimentos ao gênio Larry Rogers por postar este link maravilhoso, uma verdadeira preciosidade cultural, no grupo do Facebook Any Language at All

Descrição dos anais e observações valiosas sobre o texto e o seu contexto hisórico, gentilmente dadas por Larry Rogers:
 Larry Rogers wrote:
"Topic: Free online cuneiform bilingual discusses King Hezekiah of the Bible at great length. Bible. Neo-Assyrian Empire ( 911 - 605 BC). Akkadian language. Sennacherib's Annals. Also, some on Jewish holidays and Biblical persons as they relate to cuneiform.
<< The main account of Hezekiah's reign is found in 2 Kings 18–20, Isaiah 36–39, and 2 Chronicles 29–32 of the Hebrew Bible. Proverbs 25:1 mentions that it is a collection of King Solomon's proverbs that were "copied" "by the officials of King Hezekiah of Judah". His reign is also referred to in the books of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, and Micah. The books of Hosea and Micah record that their prophecies were made during Hezekiah’s reign. >>
"The Annals of Sennacherib" by Luckenbill of the University of Chicago is one of the many free online documents hosted on U Chicago's website. They're a major source for free online documents in any language.
I read the introduction last night - it's from 1924 - and it's really riveting and shocking. I highly recommend it but warn you I know a bit about its time and place to understand it better than most. He makes shout outs to current events and American political theory and all sorts of stuff.
I'm going to take a risk here and include two comic book presentations of the events recounted in the Bible of King Hezekiah of Judea. He's pretty famous, I think, among people who read The Bible and comic book versions of it.
About the texts: Interesting spelling of Jerusalem.
Part of the big fun of texts like Behistun in cuneiform languages is that they make reference to super-famous and super-"arted" heros and adventures in The Bible.
So Purim (about mid-March) reminds of us of Queen Esther reminds us of the Persian Empire and its polyglotism.
The Nineveh of Jonah and Tobit remind us of the brutality of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.
Chanukkah (about December 10th) reminds us of The Books of Maccabees and the Greek Empire and a bit of Roman Empire. Which is out of the scope of cuneiform languages but the major Jewish holiday by celebration here in the USA, so worth mentioning here.
Daniel or his adventures doesn't have a major holiday but he probably learned Sumerian and Akkadian as part of his education and career under Neo-Babylonian, Neo-Assyrian, and Persian Empires.
... Other such histories of notable everyday people probably were written at the time of these Bible accounts ... but they haven't survived. We do get some idea from surviving letters, though, and there are some biographies that survive in tombs and such.
Pictures: Here's the neat parts from the work and also a comic book or graphic novel presentation of the Biblical events involving Sennacherib and Hezekiah and Jerusalem. Also, a famous poem excert from the famous and celebrated Lord Byron. And a dramatic woodblock print by Gustav Dore."

Aprenda o gaulês moderno (sim, ele está sendo revivido, felizmente) por meio do português!

Obs.: As lições estão disponíveis também em outros idiomas, para os que se interessarem em aprender por eles: em inglês, francês, italiano, búlgaro, espanhol e russo!

Thanks to Steve Gwiríu Mórghnath Hansen for giving this precious link on a comment in the Facebook group The Modern Gaulish Language

quinta-feira, 15 de junho de 2017

Trailer do tocante documentário sobre os massacres ocorridos na Volhínia,oeste da Ucrânia em 1943 por ultranacionalistas ucranianos contra poloneses que lá viviam e como alguns vizinhos ucranianos arriscaram suas vidas para salvar muitos deles, num lindo gesto de nobre coragem.MY FRIEND THE ENEMY - trailer

No copyright infringement intended. Share for sole educational purpose and divulgation of the work itself.

Texto descritivo e links postados pelo canal do Youtube do documentário: My Friend the Enemy

Published on Mar 24, 2014


Documentary film directed by Wanda Koscia (2014)
For more informationa visit our website and on facebook.
A story of humanity in inhumane times. Survivors of the wartime massacre of Poles by Ukrainian nationalists in Western Ukraine return to meet the former Ukrainian neighbours who saved them.
A story of how some risked their lives to save their alleged enemies at a time of horrific violence.
For more informationa visit our website and on facebook."

Fui pesquisar o documentário para tentar assisti-lo na web e notei que há um homônimo, de 1965, no famoso site Vimeo sobre o qual devemos alertar, para que os leitores não confundam as duas obras:

Texto explicativo do vídeo dado no site:
Gary Goldsmith - Producer, Writer, Director, Editor
"Henry Darrow and other professional actors mix with real steelworkers in this docudrama about a conflict over automation in the Kaiser steel mill. Kaiser and the USW pioneered a profit-sharing plan which enabled introduction of automation, but rank and file workers resisted. Sponsored and distributed in theaters worldwide by the United States Information Agency." 25 minutes 35mm b/w 1965

Achei também este artigo muito interessante: trata-se de uma entrevista com o diretor e produtor do documentário:
'An interview with Wanda Koscia, director and producer of the documentary film “My Friend the Enemy.”

sexta-feira, 2 de junho de 2017

Documentário sobre a luta pelos direitos LGBTI na Geórgia, país do Cáucaso. LGBTI Rights in Georgia

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole

educational purpose.

A história de uma transexual da Géorgia, país do Cáucaso que, apesar de cristão, é notório por sua forte discriminação contra LGBTIs. Transgender In Tbilisi: Maria's StoryTransgender In Tbilisi: Maria's Story

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole
educational purpose.

 Postado pelo canal do vídeo:
Published on
May 17, 2017
"Georgia is one the few post-Soviet countries
that bans discrimination against gay and transgender people -- but members of
the LGBT community still face frequent harassment and violence. Maria, a
transgender woman, says she confronts bigotry every day on the streets of
Tbilisi. (RFE/RL)

Originally published at -