sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2014

Textos perdidos de antigos pesquisadores de contos de fada alemães confirmam estudos de Maria Tatar sobre sua verdadeira natureza.

Link sugerido pela página do Facebook  Covenant of the Goddess


Excelente link interno relacionado ao assunto :


Befana, a bruxinha Noel italiana da noite de Epifania (5 de janeiro)





" La Befana in Rome - Italian Christmas Traditions by Walks of Italy "

Uploaded by the Youtube channel 



Uma pesquisa do Google para os que quiserem poupar tempo:

segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014

Um sumário das obras de J.R.R. Tolkien

' A brief summary of J.R.R.Tolkien's
for the fantasy-impaired '

Second edition by Jack A. Barker


Faça de uma vivência vegana seu melhor presente de Natal para os não humanos: eles são senscientes, sentem medo, dor ,falta de afeto e querem viver como nós !

Cartaz, comentário e links para sites com receitas veganas postados pela página do Facebook

Thanks to Facebook buddy Heather Michael Leughmyer for sharing this link !

segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2014

O canto deste pássaro fantástico é maravilhosamente exótico

Vídeo e comentário postados pela página do Facebook

" This bird sounds just like a laser! "



Duas vacas procuram confortar uma a outra no matadouro

Foto e sua descrição com citação de Cayce Mell (do Peaceable Kingdom) com link para vídeo do Youtube dados pela página do Facebook
Esdaw - European Society of Dog and Animal Welfare.


"I have unfortunately been inside slaughterhouses and can tell you that the animals are not willingly walking up to the end of the kill line and sticking their necks out. These animals fight with every bit of strength they have left at the end of that kill line. They don’t want to die and they know it’s coming.”
~ Cayce Mell (Peaceable Kingdom) (Please watch - nothing graphic) -
" VIDEO -I Am Scared and Do Not Want To Die (Please watch - nothing graphic) - love and light

Thanks to my Facebook buddy Heather Michael Leughmyer for sharing this link !

domingo, 14 de dezembro de 2014

Uma pata pede ajuda para seus filhotes

Eles sentem como nós, sofrem, amam ...
Vídeo e comentário postados pela página do Facebook Santuário Gaia:

"VIDEO] Mum duck asking for help to rescue her children"

segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2014

Queijos veganos : a solução para os que amam queijos e querem adotar o veganismo

Cartazes, comentário e links postados pela página do Facebook
"I recognize that cheese is addictive and for many people, giving it up can be difficult. If you find yourself craving animal cheese, remember that it’s just temporary and it will pass. In time, you’ll likely find that you don’t miss it in the least. For me, what ultimately helped was changing my way of thinking. I didn't think of 'giving up cheese,' rather, I thought of 'giving up animal cruelty....' And that made all the difference." ~Jo Tyler

I Couldn’t Give Up Cheese, So I Gave Up Animal Cruelty Instead:

EVOLVE! Campaigns
' Cheese-aholic? Pledge to be a compassionate cheese-oholic instead by swapping the cruelty and suffering involved with dairy for these delicious vegan cheeses which harm none... "

Rae Sikora says: "Cheese-aholics, I totally understand! I am a complete cheese-aholic. But, for the last three decades I have chosen to be a compassionate cheese-aholic and I do not consume any animal products. So, now, I ...can have my "cheese" and eat it too! If you LOVE goat cheese, try the recipe below... it will make you so happy and it is easy to make. If you just want something to buy at the store, get Daiya cheese and make lasagna, burritos, quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwiches.... you get the picture. Others, add your comments about your favorite compassionate vegan cheese recipes and ideas! Let's get everyone on FB off the cheese addiction!" '

" Pepper-Crusted Cashew Goat Cheese
Cashews become very creamy and smooth when blended, which makes them perfect for this cheese. It's aged at room temperature, then baked just until dry to the touch.

¾ cup raw cashews
¼ cup lemon juice
1 Tbs. tahini
1 ¼ tsp. salt
1 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper

1. Place cashews in large bowl; cover with 3 inches water. Soak overnight.
2. Drain liquid, rinse cashews under cold water, and drain again. Purée cashews, lemon juice, tahini, salt, and 2 Tbs. water in food processor 6 minutes, or until smooth and creamy.
Spoon cashew mixture into three layers of cheesecloth. Fold sides of cloth over cheese, and form into 6-inch-long oval loaf. Let it sit out for about 8
3. Dehydrate until firm on the outside, but soft on the inside. Time depends on the temperature that you use for the dehydration. If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can bake for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.
4. Unwrap cheese. Sprinkle with peppercorns, pressing to adhere. "

More links:
Groundbreaking, Game Changing Vegan Cheese Is Here:
Vegan "Cheese" Recipes and Ideas:
14 Vegan Cheeses That Will Make You Forget About The Real Thing:
2013 Was My Epic Year Of Vegan Cheese Making! And Now, The Vegan Cheese Book
Showdown: It’s Artisan Vegan Cheese V. The Non-Dairy Formulary:

Vegan cheeses you can buy (USA)

Vegan cheeses you can buy (UK)
See More


Cuidados com o bebê intacto : nunca forçar a retração do prepúcio

Link dado pela página do Facebook  Saving Our Sons

Quando as manchas de sangue são mais importantes para os pais do que o sofrimento do bebê há algo errado

"For all those who ask how to keep blood off cloth diapers, but refuse to research circumcision or the purposes of the prepuce... If you care more about your cloth stash than your son, is there something wrong?

The bloodshed of circumcision damages far more than cloth diapers..."


[Thank you to Lindsey of Know Better, Do Better Birth Services for sharing her son's cloth picture with us.]

quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2014

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2014

Dois adolescentes trans : Arin Andrews e Katie (Vídeos)

" Transgender Love Story: Life After Surgery "

    " Transgender Love Story: Arin and Katie Break Up "

A Nova Face da juventude Trans (vídeo)


Hedy Lamarr : uma estrela muito além da própria arte

 Cartaz e comentário postados pela página do Facebook

" Today would have been the 100th birthday of the iconic golden age actress, Hedy Lemarr. What many people DON'T know, is that Hedy was also a mathematician and inventor. "
Site oficial da grande atriz e inventora , que merecidamente é qualificada como "Beautiful, Brilliant and Bold" :

Site da organização Hedy Lamarr :

Mais alguns links sobre a hiper inteligente e bela atriz :

 Thanks to my Facebook buddy Albert Adar S for sharing this link !

quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2014

Um pungente testemunho de um intactivista e o sucesso de sua restauração

Testemunho do intactivista James Ketter : um depoimento dos mais pungentes e poderosos sobre o horror que a circuncisão significa realmente na vida de uma pessoa e a felicidade de ter conseguido a restauração desta parte que é um verdadeiro órgão em si mesmo : o prepúcio .

Postado originalmente pelo autor no link abaixo e aqui reproduzido com sua devida autorização : 


" This is going to be a VERY personal post. If you don't want to know intimate details of my life, and why I am so opposed to circumcision, DON'T READ!
You have been warned.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When I say I was damaged by infant circumcision, I should be specific.
There wasn't anything immediately wrong with the genital cutting I was subjected to. My parents and the doctor were quite happy with the immediate result, and frankly, other than a few hurtful comments on how short my penis appeared, I didn't know any different as a child.
Puberty changed everything.
You see, it is impossible to tell how much penile skin a baby will need when he grows up. His tiny penis isn't developed yet. Doctors have to guess how much of the mobile structure of the penis to destroy. They often guess wrong. The most common complications include removal of too much skin (like what happened to me), and removal of too little, which causes other nasty complications.
During puberty I experienced tight, painful erections. Without enough slack skin, the bulk of my penis had been trapped my whole life. It made my penis look shorter than it really was. When erections and my growth spurt started this caused me a great amount of pain.
My penis skin literally split under the tension. I was left with less than half the penile skin I should have had. No one noticed this, because frankly, some kids are just less endowed than others. And, what parent is going to try and get their child hard to see if he has enough skin? No, that never happened. That would have been a whole other level of child abuse.
The growth and erections of my teen years left me with stretch marks and awful scarring. Masturbation was actually impossible for me because of the tight skin until I was 15 years old. Oh, I was horny as all the other teens, but I just couldn't do anything about it because of the pain it caused me.
I never told my parents this, because, let's face it, teenage boys DO NOT talk to their parents about their penis or masturbation habits.
With no one to talk to about it, I assumed that all my sexual problems were my fault. I blamed myself for not being masculine enough. I blamed myself for being defective.
Twice before I was 18 I tried to kill myself because of my perceived failings as a male.
When I finally had sex, I was disturbed to discover I just couldn't feel anything from my partner. Years of scarring and thickening of the skin left me with an insensitive member that wasn't equal to the task. The only way I could feel anything through my penis was during masturbation and with a death grip that could crush full beer cans. A vagina has some grip, sure, but no where near enough for me to feel what I ought to have felt.
This led to years of depression, self blame, and a lot worse. I had to fake orgasms with women. It was devastating to my psyche. Eventually it was just too much work, so the relationships would break down because of lack of intimacy.
I came across foreskin restoration a few years ago, and it was a purely cosmetic choice for myself. I had grown up around my intact cousins, and I always felt my penis was wrong looking. The idea of hiding my horrible scars under a fold of skin sounded really appealing.
Within the first few months of starting foreskin restoration I noticed a change. As I slowly developed more slack skin, my penis slowly began to heal for the first time since I'd started puberty. The more slack skin I had, the better things functioned.
By the time I developed enough slack skin to again cover the glans properly I was sold.
When the skin covers the glans the glans starts to heal and shed all the thickened skin that has built up over the years. My sensitivity magnified a hundred fold. Also, shedding the thickened skin and healing the glans allowed the scaring around my meatus to soften. Pain I had had my entire life while urinating suddenly disappeared. That pain was so constant and expected that I thought it was normal. My mind had become accustomed to the pain so much that it no longer registered. Suddenly not feeling a pain I had had my entire life was a revelation.
Eventually I researched and discovered that I had been suffering from Meatal Stenosis all my life. At nearly 40 years of age, I was finally cured of it.
Foreskin restoration has reduced the look of my scars, improved the function of my penis, and improved my overall mental, physical and sexual health.
I have had enough foreskin now to know what both sides of circumcision feel like, and it is no contest. Foreskin is simply better in each and every way. There really is no excuse to remove a body part this valuable and functional.
My own parents, when I was a child, were just like all the pro-cutting parents I try and educate. They were convinced I was “fine.” I was a happy child, and I didn't know any better. When asked, my parents were proud of their decision, and would recommend it to their friends because of how happy THEY were with the configuration of MY penis.
But they didn't know the reality. They never could, and never can. Neither can you if you cut your sons.
When I hear men brag about their penis, and claim, “I'm cut, and I'm fine,” I laugh, because I know the truth. The more insecure you are about your penis, the more you lie and claim everything is fine. Everything is fantastic, “I am so very very happy happy with my cock!” It is a lie, and an evasion.
I know. I used to be the King of Denial. I used to say those very same things. It takes a VERY brave man to admit his penis is less than it should be. I would have walked into burning buildings, or into a war zone without blinking, but to admit my penis was flawed was something I didn't have courage enough to admit.
It took restoring my foreskin to finally make me admit out loud what had been wrong for so very long. Now I brave insults and ridicule for spreading education about the abomination that is genital cutting.
I'm sorry to say, if you cut your child, you will probably never know the damages you have done. Boys and men are not wired to talk openly and honestly with their parents about this. A man will die before he lets anyone think there is anything wrong with his penis, or his masculinity.
You can claim, “my son is fine,” all you want, but you just cannot and likely never will know the actual truth. He may not be able to face the truth of this himself. More than to anyone else, he will lie to himself.
There is no way to know how much skin a baby boy will require for his penis when he is grown. It is NOT something that can be predicted. Doctors have to guess. They can and do guess wrong more than they guess right.
I speak out against genital cutting because I know first hand how horrible and wrong it really is. I know what the circumcised child is missing. I know what he can suffer. I know what you've put him at risk for. I've experienced it.
I've researched every aspect of it, and there really is no excuse to take this pleasure away from another person.
Make no mistake, the foreskin is erogenous tissue. It is more pleasurable to have one than to NOT have one. It IS a valuable part of the penis. It is an organ with specialized functions that make a man's life better. Its loss is not insignificant. It is NOT just skin.
If you want I can give you more information about foreskin restoration.
PM me.
Don't just research circumcision. Research the foreskin.
If men were supposed to have foreskins they would have been born with them. "

sábado, 4 de outubro de 2014

Anatomia de uma circuncisão : a verdadeira face de uma mutilação forçada em indefesos de todo tipo

Postado pelo perfil do intactivista Brother K no Facebook e compartilhado pelo intactivista
James Loewen .
 Comentário de Brother K :


quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2014

Rabinos vegetarianos defendem direitos dos animais

" Rav Shmuly - The Need for a Spiritual Kosher Vegan community standing up for animal welfare! "

Postado pelo canal do rabino no Youtube


' The Shamayim V'Aretz Institute: "Why I am Vegan"  '-- Rabbi Adam Frank 

Postado pelo canal do Youtube  Moreshet Yisrael


" Shamayim V'Aretz Institute - Rabbi Yonassan Gershom - The Soul of Every Living Thing. " wmv

Postado pelo canal do Youtube do rabi Yonassan Gershom


quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014

Cow cries seconds before being slaughtered

Aliança para acabar com o uso de galinhas no ritual Kapparot / Kaporos

 Do site :
' “Kapparot is not consistent with Jewish teachings and law. Repentance and charity can be better accomplished by using money instead of a slaughtered chicken.” - Former Israeli Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren quoted in “Jewish chicken killing ritual of Kapparot,” Los Angeles press release by Nazila Mahgerefteh, September 28, 2006
“Our intention is not to dismay. Our intention is to save life.” - Roberta Kalechofsky, Jews for Animal Rights  '


Thanks to Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary for sharing this link via Dawn Ladd !

As línguas élficas de J.R.R. Tolkien

Estes sites , além da pronúncia , trazem também uma árvore linguística destes idiomas artificiais élficos :



Este contém inclusive links internos relacionados e até mesmo para letras em élfico de canções das trilhas sonoras dos filmes :

Thanks to my Facebook buddy Lily Bright K. Elteto
for sharing the link to this site !


A Irmandade Linguística Élfica :


 Página de élfico no famoso site Omniglot :


 Mais links :



Como escrever seu nome numa das línguas élficas criadas por Tolkien :


Claro, há muitos sites sobre o assunto e posso até ter deixado de postar alguns links muito bons aqui também mas as listas não pretendem ser exaustivas , apenas uma facilitação de pesquisa para os que se interessam pelos assuntos postados , com alguns sites de qualidade .
Eis aqui uma pesquisa do Google já feita , para os que quiserem poupar tempo :

terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2014

Jim Morris, fisicultor vegano de 78 anos (2014)

 Um testemunho emocionante deste vegano admirável !

"The Story of a 78-Year-Old Vegan Bodybuilder - Jim Morris: Lifelong Fitness - Short Film"


 Thanks to the Facebook page Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary
for sharing this link !

segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2014

Passa ao plano espiritual o Dr Masaru Emoto

Abençoado seja para sempre seu nobre espírito , que seja coberto de bênçãos em toda sua trajetória espiritual e , caso ainda retorne a este plano, também em suas futuras vidas !



" Water Blessing Song Grand Invocation "


E para os céticos , o contra-argumento  :


Adorei o comentário do usuário Steve , um professional healer, que postou o vídeo com o famoso meste javanês da tradição chinesa Mo Pai de kung fu , John Chang , demonstrando o poder do Chi. O vídeo é um trecho apenas da série de documentários de Lawrence Blair, Ring of Fire :


 Um outro cético refutou a postagem de Steve, alegando que o vídeo não era prova ainda per se mas eu penso que certos fenômenos esotéricos não são mensuráveis pelos métodos científicos tradicionais (talvez nossa ciência ainda não tenha ainda a capacidade de registrar a sutileza destas energias ou por fatores ainda por nós desconhecidos).O fato é que quem já presenciou ou experimentou tais fenômenos não precisa de testes de laboratório para comprová-los .
O usuário Mubanki Aki postou um link também interessante, com resultado positivo para a pesquisa do Dr. Masaru Emoto e as linhas finais do seu comentário já dão uma boa ideia do mesmo : 
" Results indicated that crystals from the treated water were given higher scores for aesthetic appeal than those from the control water (P = .001, one-tailed) , lending support to the hypothesis.” 
