terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2015

Mapa de Nova Iorque de quando ainda era Nova Amsterdã, para onde foram nossos judeus do Recife, quando os holandeses foram expulsos de Pernambuco.

Mapa postado pelo perfil no Facebook de Farid El Nasire

Links sobre esta fase de vilarejo daquela viria a se tornar a uma das mais famosas e mais belas metrópoles do mundo ocidental, símbolo dos valores seculares e das liberdades civis ocidentais:

PDF para download gratuito:
"Origins of the Jewish Community of New York" By Ann-Wainer

Site com dados citando farta bibliografia e lindas fotos:
 "From Mauritstad to New Amsterdam"
Descrição dos autores dada pelo site:
"Harrie Teunissen and his partner John Steegh are map-collectors from Leiden in Holland. Their jointly build up collection of some 9000 maps and 1250 atlasses and travel guides, mostly from 1750 – 1950, focuses on water management, city development, ethnic relations and military conflicts. They organise exhibitions based on this collection, like ‘The Balkans in maps, five centuries of struggle about identity’ (Leiden University Library 2003). The last years Teunissen researches mainly for his internet-project ‘Mapping Jewish History’."

Os quatro vídeos dos links logo abaixo são todos do canal do Youtube New Netherland Now

"Why don't Americans know their own Dutch history?" - 1/4

"What's left of New Amsterdam in Lower Manhattan" - 2/4

"A forgotten American founding father: Adriaan van der Donck "- ¾

"How New Amsterdam influenced America" - 4/4

Outros links relacionados:

"New Netherlands"


“Jews in America: New Amsterdam's Jewish Crusader (1655)” Jewish Virtual Library


"Life Inside the Drunk, Rowdy World of New Amsterdam"
'A collection of newly digitized ordinances from the 17th-century settlement that would become New York City reveals a riotous city full of crime, trash, and “insolent practices with sad accidents of bodily injury.” ' By SARAH GOODYEAR

"The oldest house of New York City - ( It is older than you think)"

O seriado de TV norte-americano homônimo:

O ator que interpretou seu protagonista

Link relacionado:
"Brazilian Jewry — A concise history Bibliography — Resources"
©Marc Raizman

350 Years of Jewish Life in America is Subject of Library of Congress Publication

' "From Haven to Home: 350 Years of Jewish Life in America" will be published jointly this fall by the Library of Congress and George Braziller Inc.August 27, 2004
"This compilation of essays by leading historians accompanies a Library of Congress exhibition marking the anniversary of the arrival in New Amsterdam (New York City) of 23 Jews fleeing Recife, Brazil, which passed from Dutch to Portuguese rule in 1654. It is to this singular event that today's American Jewish community traces its beginnings. The exhibition opens Sept. 9 in the Northwest Gallery of the Library's Thomas Jefferson Building and will be on view through Dec. 18, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Saturday." 

“Meet Rabbi Yeshayahu Bin Nun, Shavei Israel’s new emissary to Brazil”
Brian Blum  20/07/2015

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