domingo, 26 de março de 2017

Emocione-se e encante-se com Emma Watkins dançando e usando a linguagem de sinais ao som de "Can´t Stop the Feeling" por Justin Timberlake

Artigo de Jonathon Moran no The Daily Telegraph, com o vídeo incorporado:
"Yellow Wiggle Emma Watkins’ dance video a true sign of the times" by Jonathon Moran, Chief Entertainment Writer, The Daily Telegraph

Link para o vídeo no Youtube:
'Justin Timberlake's "Can't Stop The Feeling" danced by Emma Watkins, Yellow Wiggle'

Descrição postada pelo canal de Emma Watkins no Youtube:
Published on Sep 24, 2016
'Justin Timberlake's "Can't Stop The Feeling" danced and signed by Emma Watkins, Yellow Wiggle as a tribute to World Deaf Day'

Thanks to Simon Margan for sharing the link to the article and the video on the Facedbook group Sign Language LGBTI Language Exchange with the description reproduced below:
'This is Emma Watkins, the yellow wiggle, from popular Australian Children's performance group called 'The Wiggles'.
The featured video is of Emma performing a mixture of sign language (Auslan) and dance to a popular adult Justin Timberlake song called "Can't Stop the Feeling". According to Emma this type of "sign dance" is trending at the moment. The video was made as part of last year's Australian "National Week of Deaf People" (NWDP) (15-23 October 2016).'

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