sábado, 25 de março de 2017

A fantástica história de Dona Gracia Nasi Mendes, uma cripto-judia revolucionária!

Agradecimentos à página do Facebook Brazilian Jews - Judeu Brasileiro - יְהוּדִי ברזילי pela sugestão do vídeo e sua postagem em português sobre o assunto no link: https://www.facebook.com/JudeusBrasileiros/posts/10155089222310912

"Doña Gracia Nasi Mendes"
Texto postado pelo canal do Youtube SephardicHistory
Uploaded on Aug 8, 2010
'Gracia Nasi was born into an ancient and venerable Sephardic family that immigrated to Portugal when Spain expelled its Jews in 1492. Along with the thousands of other Sephardic refugees of the Spanish Inquisition, the family was forcibly converted to Christianity by the Portuguese king in 1497. These converted Jews were known by the gentiles as "Conversos" or "New Christians". The Sephardic people called them *"Anusim" (the forced ones).'

"Being suspected by the inquisition, Gracia escapes to Italy and from Italy to Istanbul, where she buys the cities of Tiberia, Gaza, Jaffo, Safed and Jerusalem. She builds a trade fleet and organizes embargos on the catholic countries saving the lives of sephardic people."

"She died in 1569 and was buried in Jerusalem."
*Nota: Também são chamados, até hoje, de B´nei Anussim (Filhos dos Forçados).

Em inglês:

Obras à venda na amazon.com sobre esta grande personagem histórica injustamente esquecida pelos historiadores do passado:

Em português:

Um fascinante artigo com lindas gravuras sobre a vida de Dona Gracia no maravilhoso blog português de Ziva David!

Sobre Ziva David, a autora do blog:

Em espanhol:

Uma pesquisa no Google:

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