domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

A verdade sobre as incursões islâmicas na Europa bem antes das Cruzadas. Comparação entre as invasões islâmicas e as Cruzadas. Historical facts and Comparisons: How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries.

Texto do canal: Published on Oct 19, 2014 
Nota: Fiz algumas pequenas alterações no texto, especialmente na grafia de algumas palavras, por razões meramente gramaticais, já que eu também tenho um outro blog de EFL mas elas em nada alteraram o sentido do original do texto, que pode ser conferido na página do vídeo, no canal do Youtube que o postou.

"Historical facts and Comparisons: How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Islamic countries.
The Islamists launched their Crusades in 630 A.D. while the Western Crusades started in 1095 A.D. to stop the Islamic Invasion. Crusades were a defensive action against the forcible expansion of Islam into territories that had been part of Christendom for centuries. 
The Islamic 'Crusades' were started by the Muslims in the year 630 A.D., when Muhammad invaded and conquered Mecca. Later on, Muslims invaded  (what was then) Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem, Iran, Egypt, Africa, Spain, Italy, France, etc. 
The Western Crusades started around 1095 to try to stop the Islamic aggressive invasions. The Islamic Crusades continued even after the Western Crusades were over. Islam has killed about 270 million people: 120 million Africans*, 60 million Christians, 80 million Hindus, 10 million Buddhists, etc.

“MUSLIM CRUSADES Started Four Centuries Before the Western Crusades”  Posted by FactReal on February 12, 2010
“…Islamics Launched their Crusades in 630 A.D. Western Crusades started in 1095 A.D. …”

"Thank you Jelena for video!!!!! " (Fim do texto postado pelo canal do Youtube na página do vídeo)

Alguns links relacionados de interesse:

 As batalhas de Maomé e seu grupo inicial de seguidores evidenciam o caráter belicista e supremacista do Islã já em suas origens, pelo exemplo do próprio fundador da doutrina:

"Hijra, Medina and Betrayal" JULY 17, 2012 • I
Trecho inicial da postagem  com a linha do tempo das batalhas supremacistas islâmicas (fiz algumas correções ligeiras em algumas palavras, por razões puramente gramaticais:
"In order to gain a perspective on how Muhammad embarked on a ruthless way of gaining
respect and influence in societies that were unfriendly to his new Islamic
teachings, we have to examine the early Timeline of Islamic history and examine
how Islam evolved into a domineering militant faith. It is my contention that
Muhammad learned that deceit, ruthlessness, and Taqiyya (telling untruths in
the furtherance of Islam) were weapons to be used against the infidels in order
to protect himself and his existence. To illustrate this I want to highlight
Muhammad’s treachery at Medina, his warring and ruthless disposition, thus I
will submit a timeline of the 7th century so as to establish a perspective on
Islamic history. ..."  In

"Islam Undressed: The Battle of Badr"From WikiIslam, the online resource on Islam (Revised from an original article by Anwar Shaikh, a renowned Indian Islamic scholar and historian)

"Islam Undressed: Early Islam and the Crusades"

Um outro link com comentários de apologistas do Islã e as réplicas dos membros da Resistência ao supremacismo islâmico ao artigo da Wikislam sobre os atos cruéis de Maomé:

“Allah’s Sword of Terror” by Raymond Ibrahim

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