segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016

Yerushalaym Shel Zahav (Jerusalém de Ouro) em linda versão em inglês. Jerusalem of Gold - Land Of Promise

Já postei uma vez mas sempre é bom repostar para os que perderam esta maravilha.

Letra em hebraico transliterado e tradução inglesa:

Letra em hebraico transliterado e tradução alemã:

Canção basca que inspirou parte da melodia de Yerushalaym Shel Zahav:


Sobre a polêmica pela semelhança entre as melodias das duas canções e as acusações de plágio que lançaram contra Naomi Shemer, compositora de Yerushalaym Shel Zahav:
Trechos do artigo:
'... Ibanez said he first heard Shemer's song in the summer of 1967, shortly after it was written. He immediately recognized it as his song, "Joseph's hair."
"I didn't consider this plagiarism but rather felt a lot of empathy for Shemer. Was I angry? Not at all. On the contrary, I was glad it helped in some way." ...'

'...Natan said on Thursday she had heard the song was based on the Basque melody. "It apparently bothered Naomi for years," she said. "I don't know why. There is nothing wrong in using a small part of the Basque melody for the song. [The national anthem] "Hatikvah" is also based partly on a Romanian melody."'
'Almagor added: "If she had told the truth, it would not have detracted from her greatness. The opposite is true."'
Read more on the original link:

 É interessante também levar em conta esta informação sobre a canção, como consta neste artigo interessante da Wikipedia:
"Peio Joxepe" is a traditional Navarrese song. It is very popular in the Basque Country, as its music is used by bertsolariak to improvise their compositions. Therefore, it may be sung with different lyrics. ..."

E, sobre o encantador reino de Navarra:

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