sábado, 1 de março de 2014

Uma das muitas vestimentas folclóricas celtas do entrudo no norte de Portugal

Foto de Pauliana Valente Pimentel of Kameraphoto colectivo de fotógrafos e explicação em inglês postados pela página do Facebook Celtic Northern Portugal

The Entrudo or Entrudo Chocalheiro is a traditional festival in of Celtic origin, related to the cult of fertility. Entrudo means "entrance" or "beginning" of spring and revival of vegetation.
The most characteristic figures of the Entrudo are the "Caretos". These characters are men, women and child masquerade in traditional masks and Costumes, with diverse features depending on the areas and regions. "

Image: A Careto from Lazarim, northern Portugal.
Photo credits: Pauliana Valente Pimentel of Kameraphoto colectivo de fotógrafos

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