segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2021

"Vu iz dus gesele?" (Where is the little street?) yiddish song JAN PEERCE (com traduções inglesa e russa)

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purposes.

Letra em transliteração do iídiche, traduções inglesa e russa gentilmente cedidas pelo dono do canal do Youtube AbrahamDiner:

Vu iz dus gesele, Vu iz di shtib, Vu iz dus meydele, wemen ich hob lieb Ot iz dus gesele, Ot iz di shtib, Ot iz dus meydele, Wemen ich hob lieb Ot iz dus gesele, Ot iz di shtib, Ot iz dus meydele, Wemen ich hob lieb Vu iz dus taichele, Vu iz di mir, Vu iz dus derfele, Vu iz di shif Ot iz dus taichele Ot iz di mir, Ot iz dus derfele, Ot iz di shif Ot iz dus taichele, Ot iz di mir, Ot iz dus derfele, Ot iz di shif Arayn in dus shtibl, mayn veytik iz groys, Altz iz geblibn a cholem nor bloys, Nishtu mer dus gesele, Nishtu mer di shtib, Nishtu mer dus meydele, Vemen ich hob lieb Nishtu mer dus gesele, Nishtu mer di shtib, Nishtu mer dus meydele, Vemen ich hob lieb Translation Where is the little street? Where is the house? Where is the little girl whom I love There is the little street, There is the house, Thre is the little girl, whom I love. There is the little street, There is the house, There is the little girl whom I love.. Where is the small creek? Where is the sea? Where is the small village? Where is the ship? There is the small creek, There is the sea, There is the small village, There is the ship. There is the small creek, There is the sea, There is the small village, There is the ship. Entered in the house, my pain is huge, all that remains is merely a dream, There is no more little street, There is no more the house, There is no more the little girl whom I love. There is no more the little street, There is no more the house, There is no more the little girl whom I love. IMAGES: 1) Holocaust wall 2) Romanian jewish family circa 1929 3) Katz family- Czernowitz ( Cernauti) 1930 4) Bucharest, Romania The Coral Temple 5) Bucharest 1931 Mr. Gutman and his brother-in-law 6) Czernowitz ( Cernauti) Romania. The synagogue 7) The Gottfrieds Herringasse Czernowitz 1930 8) Mimi's parents and friends Czernowitz 1935 9) Eduard Bong and mother. Czernowitz 1935 10) Nathan Preminger and wife. Bucharest 1935 11) Romanian jewish family Czernowitz 1936 Cernauri 12) The Engler family going to the synagogue 1936 Czernowitz 13) Student Fritzi Brendar C

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