"Ma avarech lo bame yevorach Ze hayeled sha'al hamal'ach Ma avarech lo bame yevorach Ze hayeled sha'al hamal'ach
Uverach lo chiyuch shekamohu ka'or Uverach lo enayim gdolot vero'ot Litpos ban kol perach vechai vetzipor Velev lehargish bo et kol hamar'ot
Ma avarech lo bame yevorach Ze ha'elem sha'al hamal'ach Ma avarech lo bame yevorach Ze ha'elem sha'al hamal'ach
Uverach lo raglayim lirkod ad ein sof Venefesh lizkor ba et kol halchanim Veyad ha'osefet tzdafim aley chof Ve'ozen kshuval ligdolim uktanim
Ma avarech lo bame yevorach Ze hagever sha'al hamal'ach Ma avarech lo bame yevorach Ze hagever sha'al hamal'ach
Uverach ki yadav halmudot bifrachim Yitzlechu gam lilmod et otzmat haplada Veraglav harokdot et masa hadrachim Usfatav hasharot et miktzav hapkuda
Ma avarech lo bame yevorach Ze hayeled ha'elem harach Ma avarech lo bame yevorach Ze hayeled ha'elem harach
Natati lo kol she'efshar li latet Shir vechiyuch veraglayim lirkod Veyad me'udenet velev meratet Uma avarech lecha od
Hana'ar haze achshav hu mal'ach Lo od yevarchuhu lo os yevurach Elohim Elohim Elohim Lu ach berachta lo chayim" |
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What blessings can I give this child, what can he be blessed with? Asked the angel What blessings can I give this child, what can he be blessed with? Asked the angel
And he blessed him with a smile, bright as light And he blessed him with big observing eyes With them to catch every flower, every living creature or bird And with a heart to feel what he sees.
What blessings can I give this adolesence , what can he be blessed with? Asked the angel What blessings can I give this adolesence, what can he be blessed with? Asked the angel
And he blessed him with legs to dance for ever And a soul to remeber all tunes And a hand to collect shells on the beach And a ear attentive to old and young
What blessings can I give this man , what can he be blessed with? Asked the angel What blessings can I give this man, what can he be blessed with? Asked the angel
And he blessed that his hands which are used to flowers Will succed in learning the might of the steel And his legs to dance the roads journey And lips to sing the command pace
What blessings can I give him , what can he be blessed with? This child this young adult What blessings can I give him, what can he be blessed with? This child this young adult
I gave him all I could give A song a smile and legs to dance And a delicate hand and a trembling heart What else can I bless you with?
This boy is now an angel No one will bless him, he will never be blessed God God God If only you blessed him with life." |
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