sábado, 19 de novembro de 2016

A oração Osseh Shalom e outras lindas composições hebraicas tocadas no kinnor, a lira do Rei David. King David's Harp - Live!

Sobre o kinnor:

Sobre o Osseh Shalom (He Who Makes Peace/ Aquele Que Faz a Paz):

 Letra transliterada e tradução inglesa:

Letra transliterada e tradução portuguesa:

Sobre a oração Osseh Shalom em si:

Link relacionado:

Texto e links postados pelo músico dono do canal do vídeo:
Uploaded on Jan 9, 2012
Video featuring LIVE performances of tracks from my new album, "King David's Harp" - out now, on iTunes:http://bit.ly/snvrlR

"The live tracks I am playing, are of track 4, "Jerusalem of Gold" (also known as "Israel's Second National Anthem" & made famous by the legendary singing of the late Ofra Haza) & track 10, "Eternal Peace" (my arrangement for Davidic Harp, of the beautiful Shabbat melody "Ose Shalom" (The One Who Brings Peace).

The exquisite evocation of the 3000 year old Biblical 'Davidic Harp' featured in this album, is hand-crafted by Marini Made Harps:


In this performance, I also rid myself from the dull contraints of modern equal temperament, and tune my lyre divisively into "just intonation".

The Davidic "Harp", was, infact a lyre - much was lost in the translation from the original Hebrew into the English language. This instrument, is, therefore instead, really a modern evocation of the 10 string Biblical "Kinnor", as mentioned in both the Biblical text & in the writings of the 1 st centruy Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, who actually witnessed the Levites play their lyres in the ancient Temple service.

For all details on my multitude of "Musical Adventures in Time Travel", please visit:


Many thanks for watching!"

 Outra linda performance com o kinnor pela usuária do Youtube Jessi Lee Ross:
 "Kinnor Harp - snippet of an original" Jessi Lee Ross

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