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"Today in Israel's History:
Today marks the 86th anniversary of the 1929 Hebron Massacre. The leader of Hebron's Moslem community, Sheikh Taleb Markah, incited the murderers, saying “You are Muslims. Slaughter the Jews. Drink their Blood. Today is the Day of Islam. Allahu Akbar. Kill the Jews. Come up with me. Here are some nice Jewish girls.” The Hebron massacre was a pogrom that lasted three days in which the innocent Jews were murdered and tortured in the most brutal ways. Skull crushing clubs, kitchen knives, axes, if it could be used to kill and torture it was. Babes were slaughtered together with their parents. In all, 133 Jews were slaughtered in Hebron, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Safed, Hulda, and Be'er-Tuvia. When the butchers had finished their ghastly work, the Mandatory Authorities evacuated the survivors from Hebron. A community that had lasted uninterrupted from antiquity was destroyed."
Today marks the 86th anniversary of the 1929 Hebron Massacre. The leader of Hebron's Moslem community, Sheikh Taleb Markah, incited the murderers, saying “You are Muslims. Slaughter the Jews. Drink their Blood. Today is the Day of Islam. Allahu Akbar. Kill the Jews. Come up with me. Here are some nice Jewish girls.” The Hebron massacre was a pogrom that lasted three days in which the innocent Jews were murdered and tortured in the most brutal ways. Skull crushing clubs, kitchen knives, axes, if it could be used to kill and torture it was. Babes were slaughtered together with their parents. In all, 133 Jews were slaughtered in Hebron, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Safed, Hulda, and Be'er-Tuvia. When the butchers had finished their ghastly work, the Mandatory Authorities evacuated the survivors from Hebron. A community that had lasted uninterrupted from antiquity was destroyed."
Mais links sobre o assunto:
Vídeos sobre o massacre, perpetrado por fundamentalistas islâmicos contra os judeus ashkenazi na região em 1929, muito antes da fundação do moderno estado de Israel:
Entrevista com uma assustadora idosa fundamentalista islâmica de (na época) 92 anos que se gaba de seu pai ter participado do massacre e ainda roubado bens das vítimas:
Rara filmagem de Hebron antes do massacre contra sua comunidade judaica em 1929, no original em hebraico com legendas em inglês:
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