segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2015

O holocausto das balas na Ucrânia: mais um massacre sofrido pelos judeus na Segunda Guerra Mundial.

"Video Of Babi Yar, Ukraine - Jewish Holocaust Massacre"


"A Priest Methodically Reveals Ukrainian Jews’ Fate"

"Over four years, the Rev. Patrick Desbois and his group have identified more than 600 common graves of Jews in Ukraine."

Published: October 6, 2007

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Um trecho especialmente revelador deste artigo no link logo abaixo de Timothy Snyders:

Holocaust: The Ignored Reality

Timothy Snyder July 16 2009

"...All in all, as many if not more Jews were killed by bullets as by gas, but they were killed by bullets in easterly locations that are blurred in painful remembrance. The second most important part of the Holocaust is the mass murder by bullets in eastern Poland and the Soviet Union. It began with SS Einsatzgruppen shootings of Jewish men in June 1941, expanded to the murder of Jewish women and children in July, and extended to the extermination of entire Jewish communities that August and September. By the end of 1941, the Germans (along with local auxiliaries and Romanian troops) had killed a million Jews in the Soviet Union and the Baltics. That is the equivalent of the total number of Jews killed at Auschwitz during the entire war. By the end of 1942, the Germans (again, with a great deal of local assistance) had shot another 700,000 Jews, and the Soviet Jewish populations under their control had ceased to exist. ..." In

Obras de Timoty Snyder na

Cabe dizer que também ucranianos não judeus também foram vítimas deste massacre hediondo.

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Como sempre, os usuais negadores do Holocausto também questionam mais esta tragédia ou tentam minimizar a morte dos judeus deslocando o foco para os não judeus ucranianos também chacinados no massacre. Estes céticos de plantão também questionam Holodomor, que não foi uma tragédia perpetrada pelos nazistas contra judeus ou ciganos, etc mas sim por Stalin contra os ucranianos em geral. Não me darei ao trabalho de postar aqui tais links, em respeito óbvio à memória das vítimas pois considero desonestidade intelectual criminosa as alegações de tais "céticos" arrogantes.

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