Sua esposa,Vallithai Pandian, lamentavelmente falecida há alguns anos, foi também uma heróina pois, além de ter doado todas as suas jóias, algo difícil para uma mulher indiana, fez um sacrifício muito mais doloroso ainda, em termos afetivos: vendeu sua "mangalsutra" para ajudar a custear as necessidades do santuário.
Nota: Mangal ou mangalasutra: é um colar colocado pelo noivo hindu ao pescoço da noiva, durante a cerimônia Mangalya Dharanam, o ritual principal de um casamento hindu e, portanto, de profundo significado espiritual e afetivo para o casal - e especialmente para a noiva!

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Meet Bal Pandian: The Bird Man of Koonthakulam
Bal Pandian is an ordinary villager, but his extraordinary feats have made him a legend. This man loved birds ever since he was a child and as he grew older he dedicated his life to conserve the species. He takes care of the Koonthakulam Bird Sanctuary, and maintains a daily diary of bird species. He has studied nesting, feeding and other behaviour of the birds and spends a majority if his time taking care of birds. When there were a large number of birds to take care of, it was very hard to arrange the big amount of Rs. 50,000 for their care. His wife sold off her jewellery including her mangalsutra to arrange the funds. We salute the man who has given more priority to these birds than to his own life and comforts.
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