sábado, 25 de junho de 2016

Cientistas, mais uma vez, confirmam: fobias podem refletir traumas de nossos ancestrais.

 Eis aqui o brilhante comentário de minha amiga e irmã espiritual Sigalit Purple Sun, que, inclusive, sugeriu a reportagem do artigo, com seu compartilhamento no Facebook, ao qual muito agradeço. 
Em sua descrição, se tem uma explicação clara e objetiva sobre o complexo processo da memória epigenética:
Sigalit Purple Sun

"Here is a scientific article that offers an explanation for Hereditary Holocaust Syndrome. HHS is what you see in the children and grandchildren of holocaust survivors in Israel who walk around like zombies as if they had been in the death camps too. Is it possible that the trauma of the holocaust can be passed to children through the DNA? The answer, as suggested by this study, is Yes and No. Here's what the scientists did: They trained mice to fear the smell of cherries by shocking them whenever they were exposed to the smell of cherries. Just like Pavlov and his dogs (ringing a bell before feeding dogs taught dogs to salivate when they heard a bell) these scientists taught mice to be afraid when they smelled cherries. Okay, that's pretty straightforward--basic conditioning through positive or negative reinforcement. The amazing thing happened when they exposed the offspring of these conditioned mice to the smell of cherries: they TOO showed signs of fear! Somehow the offspring AND their offspring INHERITED a fear of cherries! How? Not through genetic mutation...that is, the DNA of the parent mice was not changed and then passed to the baby mice. The inheritance occurred through EPIGENETIC MUTATION. Epigenetics is the process by which DNA gets expressed in the individual. For example, everyone gets 2 copies of DNA--one from their mom and one from their dad. BUT only 1 copy of the DNA gets "turned on" in each cell. You may get either your mom's nose or your dad's nose, but not both. Epigenetics is the complex set of processes by which the body selects which gene (your mom's or dad's) gets expressed. The scientists found that the trauma experienced by the parent mice caused epigenetic changes that were inherited by the baby mice. How exactly these epigenetic changes are encoded in the DNA is still a mystery. But Hereditary Holocaust Syndrome is no longer an urban legend...it is real!"

Já postei em meus blogs links para artigos e vídeos sobre os experimentos científicos comprovando que descendentes de sobreviventes do Holocausto tendem a apresentar crises de depressão e como os cientistas conseguiram constatar a ligação entre os dois fatos.

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