quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2015

Protesto emocionado dos curdos em Silvan.

Vídeo (legendado em inglês) e descrição postados pela página do Facebook Kurdish Female Fighters/ YPJ
Thanks to Tanya Omer for suggesting this piece of news!

"The outcry of the Kurdish people of Silvan under the Turkish state's air and ground bombardment in the *northern part of Kurdistan!"
"Urgent call:


"Turkish military attacking Silvan with air and ground forces. Cobra helicopters are bombarding civilians.
There are many deaths and wounded civilians.
Massacre is taking place now.

All You can do is to call your representative, parliamentarians and PMs to be aware of this Turkish state's massacre against the Kurdish people, condemn it and to put pressure on Turkey through your government that this massacre can be stopped.

No news can be obtained due to the Turkish state's air and ground bombardment.
Silvan/Farqin is under the Turkish military attack as a whole.

Be the voice of Kurdish people in northern(Turkey's) part of Kurdistan to stop Turkish state from massacring the Kurdish people!!

#NATO should stop Turkey from using NATO's military equipment and armored vehicles against the Kurdish people.
Turkey is a NATO member, which means that theTurkish military, at the same time, is a NATO military!

NATO has it's moral and ethic obligation to STOP Turkey's massacres and atrocities against the Kurdish people.
The northern part of Kurdistan is officially a part of Turkey which means that the Turkish state is massacring it's own people.

The Turkish state's president, former Prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: "We want the Syrian president, Assad, to go because he's killing his own people. Assad is not a legitimate president of the Syrian people, he doesn't represent Syrians."

So now theTurkish state and it's president, Erdogan, is not different than the Syrian president, Assad, if not worse!
The Turkish State does not represent the Kurdish people in northern Turkey's part of Kurdistan. The Turkish state is massacring and committing atrocities against the Kurdish people.

Share this post for widespread circulation worldwide!!!"
 — at Farqin amed.

* O Curdistão do Norte, a parte do Curdistão ocupada pela Turquia, no idioma curdo, é chamado de Bakur.

Algumas fotos da situação em Silvan postadas no Facebook pelo perfil de Christine Fehrenbacher‎ no grupo Kurdistan Supporters

Mais notícias: (11/11/2015)

"Reports of casualties after helicopter attack in Silvan"

"Reports are coming through that Turkish helicopters have conducted an air strike on Tekel, Konak and Mescit neighborhoods of Amed's Silvan district."


 * Foram necessárias pequenas alterações de ordem gramatical no texto - e, mesmo assim, apenas dentro do possível. No entanto, tais correções não modificam, em absoluto, o sentido do original, como pode ser constatado no link do vídeo, onde também se encontra o comentário da página supracitada.

Sobre Silvan:

 Link postado pela página do Facebook ANF English:

"Demirtaş: Everyone should embrace the popular resistance in Silvan"
 "HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş stressed that the resistance in Silvan is not related with a local matter as it is rather a stance and fight for the free future of the Kurdish people."

"Allegations have been made from Silvan that long-bearded and Arabic speaking men are taking part in the ongoing military operation against the civilian people in the Silvan district of Amed (Diyarbakir). ..." In

Foto e comentário postados pelo perfil no Facebook de Christine Fehrenbacher‎ no grupo Kurdistan Supporters 

Obs.: A o termo entre parênteses foi acrescentado para melhor clarificaração para os que não estão ainda familiarizados com o assunto.


Thanks to Laura Luck for sharing MED TV's post on the Facebook group Kurdistan Supporters.
Mais fotos de Silvan, postadas pela página do Facebook 

Foto abaixo e comentário postados por  Christine Fehrenbacher no grupo do Facebook Kurdistan Supporters


"Young women defending Silvan: We will resist until freedom"
"Youths leading the resistance in three neighborhoods under intense attack by Turkish security forces in Silvan, vowed that their resistance will continue until freedom on the basis of the goal to create free areas against atrocity."
"Scenes of destruction as Turkish military besiege Kurdish town of Silvan (VIDEO)"

 Link direto para o vídeo no Youtube:


"Young women defending Silvan: We will resist until freedom"
"Youths leading the resistance in three neighborhoods under intense attack by Turkish security forces in Silvan, vowed that their resistance will continue until freedom on the basis of the goal to create free areas against atrocity."

"Scenes of destruction as Turkish military besiege Kurdish town of Silvan (VIDEO)"

 Link direto para o vídeo no Youtube:

Vídeo e comentário postados pela página do Facebook Kurdish Female Fighters/ YPJ:
"DO NOT keep being SILENT, be the voice of the Kurdish people in the northern part of Kurdistan while we're eliminating ISIS-thugs!!!"
"Turkish soldiers attacked Kurdish civilians and wounded many kids and civilians in Silvan today!"

"People of Silvan: We are being killed but will never surrender"

Foto e comentário postados pelo perfil de Showan Sam Baban‎ no grupo do Facebook Stand With Kurdistan

"The Kurdish city of Sylvan getting burned by the Turkish army! 

Where is NATO/UN to see this?"

Mais cenas dos ataques turcos contra os curdos em Silvan (FARQÎN):
فارقین ــ FARQÎN
 Postado pelo perfil (Facebook) de Rênas Raman

Foto dos prédios de uma rua de Silvan/ Farqîn destruídos pelos ataques do governo supremacista turco de Erdogan postada pela página do Facebook Xıdır kırmızıçiçek no link:


"19-year-old executed by special operation teams in Silopi”

“In Silopi district of Şırnak, Ford Ranger assassination team has killed 19-year-old Kadri Sencer near Mezarlık Cami (Cemetery Mosque) in Yeşiltepe neighborhood early this morning.

Another youth murdered by Turkish 'security forces' in Silvan
In Silvan district of Amed where curfew has entered its tenth day, attacks by Turkish forces have claimed yet another civilian life.”

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