'If you’ve got $1200 and 3 hours to spare, you can get a forged Syrian passport in Turkey for quick passage into the welfare paradise of Germany A German journalist posed as a “refugee” wanting to get into Germany the fastest way – using a Syrian passport. Look how easy it is.'
Link direto para o vídeo no Youtube, postado pelo canal Tundra Tabloids:
"German journalist poses as fake refugee"
Alguns exemplos das atitudes dos oportunistas se fazendo passar por refugiados:
'Austrian busride from hell: Muslim “refugees” spit and threw feces at Europeans, dragged woman by the hair'
Posted on September 6, 2015 by ADMIN
'Peaceful’ Muslim Refugees Attack Citizens, Throws Feces, Chant “F**K You” and “Allahu Akbar” in Streets of Budapest (VIDEO)

"19 year old girl in German city becomes victim of refugee rape gang, 4th attack this month alone"
Vídeo narrado em alemão com legendas em inglês
O povo alemão considerado povo instruindo, afinal abrem as portas a essa praga?