Erdogan, o supremacista islâmico do partido que tenta reintroduzir a Sharia na Turquia, continua a matar civis curdos na parte do Curdistão chamada Bakur, no norte do país, ocupada por este resquício do império otomano.
Desta vez, a tragédia é na cidade de Nisêbîn, onde sete civis foram mortos por sua forças brutais, deixando mais 15 feridos já no oitavo dia de cerco desta cidade, cuja água, eletridade e internet foram cortadas pelos tiranos deste verdadeiro sultão neo-otomano e os locais temem mais massacres possam estar iminentes.
Nurhan Kaplan, uma mãe e grávida de 45 anos, foi morta em frente à sua casa, quando a polícia abriu fogo indiscriminado durante operações nas vizinhanças de Abdulkadirpaşa, em Nisêbîn. Ontem à noite, um jovem de 19 anos também foi morto e uma mulher de 55 anos se suicidou por não conseguir levar sua mãe ao hospital, devido ao toque de recolher imposto pelo governo turco.
Texto em inglês e foto das forças do governo de Erdogan aterrorizando os moradores curdos de Nisebin postadas no Facebook por Ina Leito no grupo Kurdistan Supporters:

"The Turkish State Continues To Kill Civilians In Nisêbîn
7 civilians have been killed and 15 wounded in the 8-day siege.
It is reported that all electricity, water and internet has been cut in the city and locals are fearing further massacres.
The military curfew in Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) has entered its 8th day, with attacks by Turkish police and soldiers still ongoing.
In the course of the crackdown Turkish security forces have killed numerous civilians, inducing a 45 year-old, pregnant mother Nurhan Kaplan. Kaplan was gunned down in front of her house on Tekin Street near the site of the Newroz square when police opened fire randomly during operations in the Abdulkadirpaşa Neighborhood of Nisêbîn.
Muhammet Altınkaynak was killed last night by State gangs in the Abdullkadir Paşa neighborhood.
A 19 year-old youth named Musur Aslan was also killed last night, while 55 year-old Emin Öz committed suicide after being unable to take her sick mother to hospital because of the military curfew."
7 civilians have been killed and 15 wounded in the 8-day siege.
It is reported that all electricity, water and internet has been cut in the city and locals are fearing further massacres.
The military curfew in Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) has entered its 8th day, with attacks by Turkish police and soldiers still ongoing.
In the course of the crackdown Turkish security forces have killed numerous civilians, inducing a 45 year-old, pregnant mother Nurhan Kaplan. Kaplan was gunned down in front of her house on Tekin Street near the site of the Newroz square when police opened fire randomly during operations in the Abdulkadirpaşa Neighborhood of Nisêbîn.
Muhammet Altınkaynak was killed last night by State gangs in the Abdullkadir Paşa neighborhood.
A 19 year-old youth named Musur Aslan was also killed last night, while 55 year-old Emin Öz committed suicide after being unable to take her sick mother to hospital because of the military curfew."
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