segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015

Compilações de baladas do inesquecível duo australiano Air Supply

"Air Supply Greatest Hits Full Album | Best Songs Of Air Supply Air Supply"
Postado pelo canal do Youtube Vkool Net Music

Outra compilação:Postado pelo canal do Youtube i2y09_Muzik Library

Dat ik je mis / That I miss you (canção holandesa com tradução inglesa) cantada por Maaike Ouboter

Letra com a tradução inglesa:

Lyrics with the English translation thanks to  Laura1111 in

Dat ik je mis

Je kust me, Je sust me, Omhelst me, gerust me
Je vangt me,
Verlangt me
Oneindig ontbangt me
Je roept me
Je hoort me
Je redt en verstoort me
Gelooft me,
Berooft me
Verstikt en verdooft me
Je ademt en leeft me
Siddert en beeft me
Vertrouwt me,
Beschouwt me als mens
En weerhoudt me
Van bozige dromen
Die op komen dagen
De eenzame vragen van eindig geluk
Met je krullen
als nacht
Hoe je praat, hoe je lacht
Hoe je stem zo dichtbij als een engel verzacht
In mijn dromen doorstromen,
Oneindige leegtes
Je remt me
Je temt me
Je roert en beweegt me
Ik mis je
Ik mis je
Ik grijp je, ik gris je
Ik wil je
Bespeel je,
Ik roer en beveel je
om bij me te blijven
In donkere nachten
Niet meer te smachten naar jou
Laat me los
Ik moet nu alleen
en houdt me vast als het nodig is
In gedachten
ik zoek je in alles om me heen
maar al denk ik soms dat het zo beter is
Kan ik het niet helpen dat ik je soms mis
Ik smoor je
Bevroor je
Verlos, en verloor je
Weg naar een andere plek maar ik hoor je
Omarm je
Verwarm je
Ik zie je en voel je
Ik aai je
Ik streel je
Ik knuffel en kroel je
Je rijpt me
Begrijpt me
Verwart en misleidt me
Het schrikt me soms af
Hoeveel ik op je lijk nu
Mijn glimlach
Mijn tranen
Mijn liefde voor leven
Het spijt me van alles
Kom help en bevrijd me
Laat me los
Ik kan het alleen
maar houd me vast als het nodig is
In gedachten
Ik vind je in alles om me heen
Maar al denk ik soms dat het zo beter is
Kan ik het niet helpen dat ik je soms mis
Ik kus je
Ik sus je
Ik doof en ik blus je
Je blijft heel dichtbij me
Maar in mijn hoofd rust je
Submitted by  Laura1111 on Wed, 29/05/2013 - 11:45
Try to align
English translation

That I miss you

Versions: #1#2#3#4
You kiss me, you soothe me, you embrace me, you put me at ease
You catch me,
Desire me
Indefinitely make me less scared
You call for me
You hear me
You save and disrupt me
Believe me,
Steal from me
Suffocate and numb me
You breathe and live me
Quiver and tremble me
Trust me,
Consider me as a person
And deter me from
Angry dreams
That come up
The lonely questions of definite happiness
With your curls
like night
The way you speak, the way you laugh
The way your voice so close softens like an angel
In my dreams indefinite voids flow
You inhibit me
You tame me
You stir and move me
I miss you
I miss you
I grab you, I snatch you
I want you
Play you,
I stir and command you
to stay with me
in dark nights
To not long for you anymore
Let me go
I have to alone now
And hold me when it's necessary
In thought
I look for you in everything around me
But even though I sometimes think it's better this way
I can't help it that I sometimes miss you
I smother you
Froze you
Relieve, and lost you
Away to another place but I hear you
Embrace you
Warm you up
I see you and I feel you
I stroke you
I caress you
I hug and cuddle you
You ripen me
Understand me
Confuse and mislead me
It scares me sometimes
How much I resemble you now
My smile
My tears
My love for life
I'm sorry for everything
Come help and free me
Let me go
I can do it by myself
But hold me when it's necessary
In thought
I find you in everything around me
But even though I sometimes think it's better like this
I can't help it that I sometimes miss you
I kiss you
I soothe you
I extinguish and I quench you
You stay very close to me
But in my head you rest
Submitted by  Laura1111 on Wed, 29/05/2013 - 11:45

Imprescindíveis leituras para pais ou tutores de crianças e adolescentes dos diferentes segmentos do amplo espectro das identidades de gênero.

"Parenting and Family"

Leitura relacionada:
"Transgender kids: 'Exploding' number of children, parents seek clinical help"

By Nicholas Weiler

Receita de Dolma ou Yaprak vegetariana!

Part 2

Part 3

Estudos mostram que uma grande parte dos homofóbicos é constituída de homossexuais enrustidos.

Vídeo postado pela página da Super Interessante no Facebook:
Revista Superinteressante

Em inglês:

Bede's Death Song (in old English) Northumbrian Version Anglo-Saxon

The Wanderer (in old English) Anglo-Saxon

Posted by the channel which uploaded the vid:

Uploaded on Sep 10, 2010
"Verse Indeterminate Saxon"

"Oft him anhaga are gebideð,
metudes miltse, þeah þe he modcearig
geond lagulade longe sceolde
hreran mid hondum hrimcealde sæ,
wadan wræclastas. Wyrd bið ful aræd!
Swa cwæð eardstapa, earfeþa gemyndig,
wraþra wælsleahta, winemæga hryre:
"Oft ic sceolde ana uhtna gehwylce
mine ceare cwiþan. Nis nu cwicra nan
þe ic him modsefan minne durre
sweotule asecgan. Ic to soþe wat
þæt biþ in eorle indryhten þeaw,
þæt he his ferðlocan fæste binde,
healde his hordcofan, hycge swa he wille.
Ne mæg werig mod wyrde wiðstondan,
ne se hreo hyge helpe gefremman.
Forðon domgeorne dreorigne oft
in hyra breostcofan bindað fæste;
swa ic modsefan minne sceolde,
oft earmcearig, eðle bidæled,
freomægum feor feterum sælan,
siþþan geara iu goldwine minne
hrusan heolstre biwrah, ond ic hean þonan
wod wintercearig ofer waþema gebind,
sohte sele dreorig sinces bryttan,
hwær ic feor oþþe neah findan meahte
þone þe in meoduhealle min mine wisse,
oþþe mec freondleasne frefran wolde,
weman mid wynnum. Wat se þe cunnað,
hu sliþen bið sorg to geferan,
þam þe him lyt hafað leofra geholena.
Warað hine wræclast, nales wunden gold,
ferðloca freorig, nalæs foldan blæd.
Gemon he selesecgas ond sincþege,
hu hine on geoguðe his goldwine
wenede to wiste. Wyn eal gedreas!
Forþon wat se þe sceal his winedryhtnes
leofes larcwidum longe forþolian,
ðonne sorg ond slæp somod ætgædre
earmne anhogan oft gebindað.
þinceð him on mode þæt he his mondryhten
clyppe ond cysse, ond on cneo lecge
honda ond heafod, swa he hwilum ær
in geardagum giefstolas breac.
ðonne onwæcneð eft wineleas guma,
gesihð him biforan fealwe wegas,
baþian brimfuglas, brædan feþra,
hreosan hrim ond snaw, hagle gemenged.
þonne beoð þy hefigran heortan benne,
sare æfter swæsne. Sorg bið geniwad,
þonne maga gemynd mod geondhweorfeð;
greteð gliwstafum, georne geondsceawað
secga geseldan. Swimmað eft on weg!
Fleotendra ferð no þær fela bringeð
cuðra cwidegiedda. Cearo bið geniwad
þam þe sendan sceal swiþe geneahhe
ofer waþema gebind werigne sefan.
Forþon ic geþencan ne mæg geond þas woruld
for hwan modsefa min ne gesweorce,
þonne ic eorla lif eal geondþence,
hu hi færlice flet ofgeafon,
modge maguþegnas. Swa þes middangeard
ealra dogra gehwam dreoseð ond fealleþ,
forþon ne mæg weorþan wis wer, ær he age
wintra dæl in woruldrice. Wita sceal geþyldig,
ne sceal no to hatheort ne to hrædwyrde,
ne to wac wiga ne to wanhydig,
ne to forht ne to fægen, ne to feohgifre
ne næfre gielpes to georn, ær he geare cunne.
Beorn sceal gebidan, þonne he beot spriceð,
oþþæt collenferð cunne gearwe
hwider hreþra gehygd hweorfan wille.
Ongietan sceal gleaw hæle hu gæstlic bið,
þonne ealre þisse worulde wela weste stondeð,
swa nu missenlice geond þisne middangeard
winde biwaune weallas stondaþ,
hrime bihrorene, hryðge þa ederas.
Woriað þa winsalo, waldend licgað
dreame bidrorene, duguþ eal gecrong,
wlonc bi wealle. Sume wig fornom,
ferede in forðwege, sumne fugel oþbær
ofer heanne holm, sumne se hara wulf
deaðe gedælde, sumne dreorighleor
in eorðscræfe eorl gehydde.
Yþde swa þisne eardgeard ælda scyppend
oþþæt burgwara breahtma lease
eald enta geweorc idlu stodon.
Se þonne þisne wealsteal wise geþohte
ond þis deorce lif deope geondþenceð,
frod in ferðe, feor oft gemon
wælsleahta worn, ond þas word acwið:
"Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago? Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu? Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune! Eala byrnwiga!"

Duas canções nortumbrianas cantadas por maravilhoso coral de meninas.

sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015

Pogrom de Istambul: a Kristallnacht dos gregos de Istambul, a antiga Constantinopla.

Em seis e sete de setembro de 1955, os turcos fizeram a Kristallnacht dos gregos remanescentes de Istambul, a antiga Constantinopla, sede do Império Bizantino Cristão, totalmente islamizada e aculturada pelo supremacismo islâmico otomano.
Posted by the Youtube channel Stavros Nassis

Artigo da Wikipedia em português:

Postagem do excelente blog "Infiel Atento":

Artigo da Wikipedia em inglês:

"Istanbul pogrom Top # 9 Facts"
Postado pelo canal do Youtube Rajvi Foram
"The Weight of Memory"
Uploaded on Apr 3, 2011
"A remarkable couple, survivors of the 1955 Istanbul Pogrom, share their story."

Reportagem sobre o filme tratando do assunto, "Pain of Autumn":

"Pain of Autumn, the film of the anti-Greek pogrom of 1955"

Uma pesquisa no Youtube:
A Youtube search:

Uma pesquisa no Google:
A Google search:

Hino Nacional do Curdistão com letra e tradução inglesa na tela.

"Kurdistan National Anthem Kurdish & English Lyrics"

Outra versão, apenas com a tradução inglesa na tela:
Postado pelo canal do Youtube KURDISTAN paradise

Os Bakashot Shel Shabbat: canções súplicas e orações para o Shabbat.

Observe que também se pode transliterar (ou seja representar os fonemas hebraicos com letras do alfabeto romano) com 'q':


"בקשות של שבת בנוסח יהודי חלאב - ידכי אשמרה שבת"
Postado pelo canal do Youtube arielk1986

"Yitzhak Yedid performs Bakashot of Shabbat in Australia"
Postado pelo canal do Youtube 
AlanBreat's channel:

Texto postado pelo mesmo canal na página do vídeo:

"Acclaimed Israeli composer pianist & improviser Yitzhak Yedid who was born in Jerusalem as the son of immigrant Syrian Jews.

Yedid performances in Australia included Piyutim from the Bakashot supplication.

The Bakashot (or "baqashot", שירת הבקשות) are a collection of supplications, songs, and prayers that have been sung by the Sephardic Aleppian Jewish community and other congregations for centuries each week on Shabbat morning from midnight until dawn. Usually they are recited during the weeks of winter, when the nights are much longer. The duration of the services is usually about four hours. The Ades Synagogue, Jerusalem, is the center of this practice today.
The custom of singing Baqashot originated in Spain towards the time of the expulsion, but took on increased momentum in the Kabbalistic circle in Safed in the 16th century. Baqashot probably evolved out of the tradition of saying petitionary prayers before dawn and was spread from Safed by the followers of Isaac Luria (16th century). With the spread of Safed Kabbalistic doctrine, the singing of Baqashot reached countries all round the Mediterranean and became customary in the communities of Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Rhodes, Greece, Yugoslavia, Egypt, Turkey and Syria. It also influenced the Kabbalistically oriented confraternities in 18th-century Italy, and even became customary for a time in Sephardic communities in western Europe, such as Amsterdam and London, though in these communities it has since been dropped. By the turn of the 20th century Baqashot had become a widespread religious practice in several communities in Jerusalem as a communal form of prayer.
In communities such as those of Aleppo, Turkey and Morocco, the singing of Baqashot expanded to vast proportions. In those countries special books were compiled (such as "Shir Yedidot" in Morocco), showing the tunes and maqamat together with the text of the hymns, in order to facilitate the singing of Baqashot by the congregation. In these communities it was customary to rise from bed in the night on Shabbat in the winter months, when the nights are longer, and assemble in synagogue to sing Baqashot for four hours until the time for the morning service.
In Aleppo, Syria this custom seems to go back about 500 years. Most of the community would arise at 3:00AM to sing Baqashot and to listen to the voices of the Hazanim, Paytanim, and Meshorerim. When they arrived at Mizmor Shir LeYom HaShabbat they would break to listen to a sermon by one of the Rabbis who discussed the Perashah of the week. When he concluded they would begin Mizmor Shir LeYom HaShabbat and sing all the rest of the Baqashot.
The Syrian tradition was introduced to Jerusalem by Raphael Altaras, who came to that city from Aleppo in 1845 and founded a Baqashot circle at the Kehal Tsiyon synagogue. In this way the custom of Baqashot became part of the mainstream Jerusalem Sephardic tradition. Another important influence was Jacob Ades (1857-1925), who immigrated to Jerusalem in 1895 and introduced the tradition to the Persian and Bukharan communities. The main centre of the tradition today is the Ades Synagogue in Nachlaot, where the leading spirit was Shaul Aboud, a pupil of Moshe Ashear.
The Aleppian Baqashot did not only reach Jerusalem. The Jews of Aleppo took this custom with them wherever they went: to Turkey, Cairo, Mexico, Argentina and Brooklyn, New York. Each of these communities preserved this custom in the original Halabi style without all the changes and embellishments that have been added to the Baqashot by Jerusalem cantors over the years. Though these communities don't perform the Baqashot on a weekly basis, nevertheless, they use the melodies of the Baqashot throughout Saturday morning prayers."

Não só judeus messiânicos como também crisãos que queiram resgatar as raízes hebraicas do Cristianismo podem e devem celebrar o Shabbat. Lehadik ner shel Shabbat (bênção rabínica sobre as velas do Shabbat).

"Lehadik ner shel Shabbat: Rabbinical Blessing over the Shabbath candles"

 Links relacionados:

Com arquivo de som:

Aviso a todos os boicotadores de Israel.

Thanks to Hindya Dupont for sharing this on Facebook!

Tahir Elci, o advogado curdo assassinado pelos supremacistas turcos, fala sobre ameaças de morte recebidas por ele (24 de out de 2015)

Thanks to Youtube Channel 4 News 

20.000 yazidis & cristãos foram resgatados pelo PKK , milícia curda que luta contra o Estado Islâmico

Advogado curdo é morto pela polícia turca!

Thanks to Youtube Channel 4 News 

Ki Eshmerah Shabbat com letra em caracteres hebraicos com diacríticos na tela.

כי אשמרה שבת \ "Ki Eshmera Shabbat \ Asaph Neve Shalom
Jewish Prayer Songs שירי קדושה

sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2015

Sir Nicholas Winton salvou a vida de centenas de crianças judias.

Este herói salvou 669 crianças judias dos nazistas, a maioria da então República Tchecoeslovaca na operação que ficou conhecida como Czech Kindertransport:

"Sir Nicholas Winton, Nicky's Children, the Czech Kindertransport"

"Sir Nicholas Winton That's Life Complete"

'60 Minutes: Sir Nicholas Winton "Saving the Children"'

"Sir Nicholas Winton - BBC Programme "That's Life" aired in 1988"

"Nicholas Winton - How one man changed the world"

"Nicholas Winton honoured"

"'British Schindler' Nicholas Winton dies at 106"

Artigos e sites:

Sir Nicholas Winton Homepage

 Neste link da BBC, há dois vídeos incorporados,  algumas das cenas já tendo sido mostradas nos vídeos dos links dados acima de programas que ficaram famosos:

"Holocaust 'hero' Sir Nicholas Winton dies aged 106"

Este trambém traz vídeos incorporados:
"Sir Nicholas Winton at 105: the man who gave 669 Czech children the 'greatest gift'"

"Sir Nicholas Winton, who has been granted the Czech Republic's highest honour, is the 'British Schindler' who saved hundreds of children from the Nazis"

terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015

Um das inesquecíveis canções de estilo europeu de baladas (musicais).

Cena do famoso filme de 1962 "The Music Man", baseado na peça musical de Meredith Wilson de 1957 de mesmo nome:

'The Music Man Shirley Jones "Till There Was You"'
Postado pelo canal do Youtube Bravo Divine

Letra da famosa canção também postada pelo canal supracitado:

Uploaded on May 10, 2007
lyrics here....
"There were bells on the hill, But I never heard
them ringing, No, I never heard them at all
Till there was you.There were birds in the sky
But I never saw them winging,No, I never saw
them at all Till there was you. And there was music,
And there were wonderful roses, They tell me,
In sweet fragrant meadows of dawn, and dew.
There was love all around But I never heard it singing
No,I never heard it at all Till there was you!
There was love all around But I never heard it singing
No I never heard it at all Till there was you"
Meredith Willson's "The Music Man"
Shirley Jones & Robert Preston

 No excelente artigo da Wikipedia (sim, apesar de haver editores inidôneos no site, há também excelentes contribuintes que lá postam seus artigos) abaixo, fica em claro que o compositor é Meredith Wilson e a data da peça musical bem anterior (e mesmo a do filme de um ano antes) à da famosa versão dos Beatles.

A canção cantada pelos Beatles no início da década de 1960:

A versão em português, cantada por Beto Guedes:

Movimento de Independência do Curdistão Oriental

Agradecimentos a Mohsen Berkhaneh por permitir que o vídeo abaixo, de sua autoria, fosse incorporado em meus blogs!

Thanks to Mohsen Berkhaneh for allowing the video below to be embedded on my blogs! *Spas, heval.

*Nota: "Spas" significa 'obrigado' em um dos dialetos ou línguas curdas, o Kurmanji. Há variantes semelhantes, como 'supas', por exemplo, em outros dialetos curdos. "Heval" significa "amigo" e é igual tanto em Kurmanji como em Sorani, dois dialetos (ou línguas curdas) muito conhecidos e usados.

The video above and the quotation below have been both posted by the Facebook page Rojhalat-Center:        

"We will shake the foundation of the
Islamic Republic by Social Media alone,
imagine what our Peshmerga could do"

- Mohsen Berkhaneh

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015

Victor Meirelles: o pintor brasileiro de quadros famosos como A Primeira Missa no Brasil e Batalha dos Guararapes.

Artigo da Wikipedia:

"Victor Meirelles e a Construção da Identidade Brasileira [1]" Teresinha Sueli Franz [2]

 É muito oportuna e significativa esta citação de Stuart Hall que a autora fez no início do artigo:

"As culturas nacionais também são formadas de símbolos e representações. Ao construir sentidos sobre a nação, constroem identidades. Esses sentidos são contidos nas histórias que são contadas sobre a nação, memórias que conectam seu presente com o passado e imagens que dela são construídas."
*Stuart Hall

* Sobre Stuart Hall:

Desambiguação (os famosos com o mesmo nome):


Em inglês:

Obra relacionada ao assunto:
"Art and the Academy in the Nineteenth Century (Barber Institute's Critical Perspectives in Art History) Paperback"
 – March 2, 2000 by Rafael Cardoso Denis (Editor), Colin Trodd (Editor)

Descrição da obra dada pelo site da Amazon: 

Nota: Apenas foi necessário corrigir a palavra "conspicuous" (evidente, destacado, notório), que fora digitada errado (mistpyping) no texto original (onde se lê "consipicuous"), tratando-se apenas de um mero e compreensível deslize de digitação do site, obviamente, cujos administradores sabem perfeitamente a grafia da palavra:

"Academies functioned as the main venues for the promotion, display and teaching of art throughout the 19th century. 20th-century opinion has tended to maintain a conspicuous silence on their account, except for the strategic employment of "academicism" as a term of abuse. The authors uncover the institutional structures and artistic practices of academies from London and Paris to Dusseldorf and Rio de Janeiro. By situating the efforts of individual artists and academies within the context of a network of global proportions, new insights are gained into the ways in which institutions of art helped shape the 19th century's view of itself as an age of equipoise and civilization amidst the turmoil of rapid social and cultural change."

A caiação do episódio histórico do primeiro Dia de Ação de Graças ensinada nas escolas dos EUA.

"Manning: Thanksgiving Myth Creates Fairytale of Land Theft, Betrayal, Genocide"

By Sarah Sunshine Manning  On 11/23/15

Dez inventos e inovações de indígenas das três Américas que mudaram o mundo.

Algumas são atribuídas aos europeus mas as descobertas descritas neste artigo de três páginas demonstram que, na verdade, civilizações e povos indígenas antigos já as usavam com material de seu meio ambiente:

"10 Native Inventions and Innovations That Changed the World"
By Vincent Schilling  6/29/14

Página 1

Página 2

Página 3

 Links sobre a diferença entre 'inventions" (inventos) e 'innovations':

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015

O governo turco continua massacrando curdos, desta vez em Nisebin.

Erdogan, o supremacista islâmico do partido que tenta reintroduzir a Sharia na Turquia, continua a matar civis curdos na parte do Curdistão chamada Bakur, no norte do país, ocupada por este resquício do império otomano.
Desta vez, a tragédia é na cidade de Nisêbîn, onde sete civis foram mortos por sua forças brutais, deixando mais 15 feridos já no oitavo dia de cerco desta cidade, cuja água, eletridade e internet foram cortadas pelos tiranos deste verdadeiro sultão neo-otomano e os locais temem mais massacres possam estar iminentes.
Nurhan Kaplan, uma mãe e grávida de 45 anos, foi morta em frente à sua casa, quando a polícia abriu fogo indiscriminado durante operações nas vizinhanças de Abdulkadirpaşa, em Nisêbîn. Ontem à noite, um jovem de 19 anos também foi morto e uma mulher de 55 anos se suicidou por não conseguir levar sua mãe ao hospital, devido ao toque de recolher imposto pelo governo turco.

Texto em inglês e foto das forças do governo de Erdogan aterrorizando os moradores curdos de Nisebin postadas no Facebook por Ina Leito‎ no grupo Kurdistan Supporters:
"The Turkish State Continues To Kill Civilians In Nisêbîn
7 civilians have been killed and 15 wounded in the 8-day siege.
It is reported that all electricity, water and internet has been cut in the city and locals are fearing further massacres.
The military curfew in Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) has entered its 8th day, with attacks by Turkish police and soldiers still ongoing.
In the course of the crackdown Turkish security forces have killed numerous civilians, inducing a 45 year-old, pregnant mother Nurhan Kaplan. Kaplan was gunned down in front of her house on Tekin Street near the site of the Newroz square when police opened fire randomly during operations in the Abdulkadirpaşa Neighborhood of Nisêbîn.
Muhammet Altınkaynak was killed last night by State gangs in the Abdullkadir Paşa neighborhood.
A 19 year-old youth named Musur Aslan was also killed last night, while 55 year-old Emin Öz committed suicide after being unable to take her sick mother to hospital because of the military curfew."

sábado, 21 de novembro de 2015

Guia de A a Z da saga Star Wars e trailer oficial da grande estreia em 17 de dezembro de 2015.

Do site do Irish Times:
"From Boba to Yoda: The A-Z of Star Wars: ‘Star Wars  The Force Awakens’ is out on December 17th. Here’s your Star Wars guide"
O que é mais emocioante ainda é se verem atores da trilogia "inicial" trabalhando neste episódio, compondo um elo histórico tanto na obra de ficção como na realidade, num entrelaçamento belíssimo entre a vida e a arte cinematográfica. Sim, isto é arte, por mais que os intelectuais elitistas arrogantes tentem negar o fato e também é fortemente espiritual em sua essência de sci fi místico, com nítidas características teosóficas.