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The Rojhalat Peshmerga Army was founded in August, 1945 by the PDKI party of Kurdistan by the then PDKI leader and also the first president of the Kurdistan Republic, Shehid. Peshawa Qazi Muhammad (in Kurdish: Qazî Mihemed).
There are two main Kurdish parties in Rojhalat: the Komalah and the PDKI. Both parties are well known by many political leaders abroad for their strength in politics in Kurdistan.
The strong unity of The Rojhalat Peshmerga Army:
The members of both the Komalah and the PDKI/KDPI democrats are loyal to each other and many of them have served in their parties for many years, one of them being Mama Sufi, who has been a Peshmerga since 1945.
In the1980´s thePDKI/KDPI claimed to have over 12.000 fighters located all over Rojhalat, their main base being in Sne, Rojhalat Kurdistan.
The Komalah (party) claimed to have over 9000 fighters as well.
In the war between Rojhalat and the Iranian Regime, the former lost about 10.000 brave boys and girls in battle. This war is still going on but not as intense as it were in the 80´s and 90´s. The reason for this is the need to protect Bashur (South Kurdistan) from an Iranian invasion.
At the beginning of the war against ISIS, the PDKI made a statement, claiming that over 2000 PDKI Peshmerga fighters were ready to help Bashur and, if needed, they could send even more soldiers into the region. The fighters were then sent to the provinces of Maxmur and Gwer and managed to retrieve a huge part of Kurdistan, liberating several villages. After a short while, the Iranian regime threatened the KRG and said that they would close the borders if the PDKI and the Komalah continued fighting ISIS. Rumor has it that some Peshmergas are still there but as volunteers. The PDKI also made a statement saying that they are ready to send Peshmerga forces to help the PYD in Rojava.
The Komalah party has also sent their forces to the frontline, a huge number of soldiers (though I´m not sure how many of them, some say it was something around 1000 men on the first days).
The Komalah Peshmerga fighters were sent to the Kerkuk province where they fought for a few days before being sent back to their bases. Nevertheless, they have not given up and are still sending their men to the region but the KRG has not accepted them because of the threats by Iran.
The Peshmerga fighters are not exactly regular soldiers: they are actually politicians, artists, filmmakers, poets and professionals of many other areas as well. They have not been trained to fight only with weapons but also with knowledge: “ A day will come when we won´t need to use weapons any more, but there will never be a day in which we won´t need to read books”- Dr. Serok Ghassemlou.
Hassan Sharafi has said that only 2% of our fighters are in Bashur, most of them being now in Rojhalat , all of them armed and well-trained, always alert and ready for a prompt response to any orders.
Most of the Democrat (PDKI/KDPI) Peshmerga fighters have been deployed in the three bases in Bashur and been sent to the Qandil mountains again, after 20 years of absence in that region.
The Komalah also has a huge number of men inside Rojhalat and in the Surin mountains.
I will try to fill you in more on Rojhalat, the Kurdish political parties and fighters, etc later on." By Admin Zagros
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