Agradecimentos a Laura Luck por compartilhar a postagem de Dengê Cîhanê.
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Texto e fotos postados pelo perfil de Dengê Cîhanê no Facebook:
The rebellion was eventually repressed as the Turks turned to killing Kurdish civilians. Over 70,000 Kurdish civilians were murdered by the Turkish army during the Dersim Massacre, and tens of thousands of Kurds were forced into migration.
"Seyid #Riza was a religious Kurdish leader of the #Alevi #Zaza #Kurds during the#Dersim Rebellion
(1937-1938). The Dersim Rebellion was a Kurdish uprising against the #Turkish regime, lead by Mustafa Kamal #Ataturk. The Kurds fought against the Turkish oppression and
discrimination against the Kurds.
The rebellion was eventually repressed as the Turks turned to killing Kurdish civilians. Over 70,000 Kurdish civilians were murdered by the Turkish army during the Dersim Massacre, and tens of thousands of Kurds were forced into migration.
Seyid Riza surrendered to put an end to the genocide.
Seyid Riza was tried and sentenced after a show trial. Riza and his fellows were not informed about the basics of their rights and the details of their case. It was not found necessary to provide a lawyer to them. They were not able to understand the language of the trial (which was Turkish) since they were all Kurdish Zazas. However no interpreter was provided. The trial ended after three hearings and in two weeks. The final judgement was given on a Saturday, a day which the courts do not work normally. The cause behind it was Atatürk's forthcoming visit to the region and the government's fear for a possible amnesty claim for Rıza during the visit. The head judge of the court resisted to give his final decision on a holiday and alleged the lack of electricity at night time and a hangman. After giving the guarantees on lighting the courtroom with car lights and to make ready a hangman, everything was ready for the final stage. Eleven men including Seyit Rıza himself, his son Uşene Seyid, Aliye Mırze Sili, Cıvrail Ağa, Hesen Ağa, Fındık Ağa, Resik Hüseyin ve Hesene İvraime Qıji were sentenced to the death.
Seyit Rıza was almost 78 years old when the sentence was announced. This made it impossible to hang him. Yet the court accepted that he was 54, not 78.
Rıza did not understand the meaning of the judgement till he sees the gallows. His final moments were witnessed by the then by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil: "You will hang me." he said. Then he turned to me and asked: "Did you come from Ankara to hang me?" We've exchanged glances. It was the first time I faced a man who was going to be hanged. He flashed a smile at me. Prosecutor asked whether he wanted to pray. He didn't want it. We asked his last words. "I have forty liras and a watch. You will give them to my son." he said...
We brought him to the square. It was cold and there were nobody around. However, Seyit Rıza addressed to the silence and emptiness like the square is full of people. This old man swept to the gallows, pushed the gypsy. He stringed the rope on his neck. He kicked the chair, executed himself!"
Artigos sobre este grande líder e herói curdo:
Em 18 de julho deste ano (2015) passou ao plano espiritual sua filha Leyla Aglar, conhecida como
"Mamãe Leyla" (Mother Leyla) no vilarejo de Agdat, em *Ovacik.
*Ovacik: grafado segundo o alfabeto turco, em que o "c" tem som de "dj".
Em 18 de julho deste ano (2015) passou ao plano espiritual sua filha Leyla Aglar, conhecida como
"Mamãe Leyla" (Mother Leyla) no vilarejo de Agdat, em *Ovacik.
*Ovacik: grafado segundo o alfabeto turco, em que o "c" tem som de "dj".
Documentos, até então secretos, foram revelados na mídia, mostrando que Kemal Atatürk se encontrara com o lider mártir curdo, Seyid Riza na noite anterior de sua execução, mostrando que, na verdade, a execução do líder e de seis de seus militantes fora totalmente premeditada.
Segundo os documentos, Kemal Atatürk propusera a Seyid que, se este 'pedisse perdão', seria poupado, o que foi terminantemente recusado pelo herói curdo, tendo este sido executado, juntamente com seus seis correligionários, cedo na manhã seguinte.
Mais detalhes deste trágico episódio da saga curda no link abaixo:
“Seyid Riza: Commemorating a Kurdish Revolutionary” By RUDAW 18/11/2014
Uma observação sobre o seguinte artigo:
Embora o artigo se refira aos curdos Zaza como iranianos, eles mesmos não se identificam como tais, embora, naturalmente, sejam um povo irmão, que fala língua indo-iraniana. Achei importante postá-lo aqui, contudo, por ele dar dados históricos importantíssimos sobre este ramo curdo e também sobre os horrores do massacre.
Artigo original em alemão:
Este site traz um vídeo incorporado sobre a tragédia:
Este site traz um vídeo incorporado sobre a tragédia:
Link direto para o vídeo no Youtube:
O blog de Dengê Cîhanê no Facebook sempre traz postagens interessantíssimas e também de valor histórico, como a que iniciou e inspirou esta aqui no blog. Dengê sempre o está atualizando com farto material sobre os curdos e sua saga muito especial!
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