Vídeo, texto e sugestão de bibliografia postados por Nawroz Nawrozi em seu canal do Youtube.
Obs.: Foram necessárias algumas pequenas alterações no texto, por razões gramaticais - e, mesmo assim, apenas quando possível, já que nem sempre fica clara a intenção original do autor - mas que em nada afetaram o sentido daquele primeiro, como se pode constatar, comparando tais correções com o original no link dado.
Published on Apr 1, 2012
"The Anahita Temple is an impressive masonry edifice located in Kangawar (Kangavar or Kangevar), at the distance of 96 km east of the Kurdish city of Kermashan (Kirmashan, Krmashan or Kermanshah) in eastern Kurdistan (Persian-occupied Kurdistan). The Anahita Temple was built around 200 BC in honor of the Kurdish goddess of water, fertility, and beauty. This Kurdish female guardian angel of water, Anahita, is principally addressed in yasht 5 (yasna 65 ) in the Avesta (the Zoroastrian holy book). She has been depicted in Taqi Bostan (east of Kurdistan), Hasankeyf (north of Kurdistan), and is also revered in the ancient inscription of Paikuli near Khanaqin (Xanaqin) in southern Kurdistan. One of the early references to such temple is by the Greek geographer Isidore of Charax, who reports that in Kurdistan during the Parthian reign, (...) the greatest Metropolis of Media.
The temple is 230 m long and 210 m wide with columns of 3.54 m high. Large Pieces of stone are cut and shaped into blocks of rock and columns which reveal a Hellenistic character display on Kurdish architectural designs.
The construction method of the walls of the platform and staircases in Kangawar is similar to that of Qasri shirin (another ancient Kurdish masonry). A Kurdish cemetery of Parthians was excavated in the hillside east of the platform. Some of the burials contained coins from Phraates I (171 BC) and Orodes III ( 37 BC) placed under the skull."
Further readings:
1-Abasi, Jalil, Yasna , Hevin Printing Center 2008, Hawler, Kurdistan.
2-Qanaa, Wria. Gatha of Zoroaster, Mnara Printing Center, 2006, Hawler, Kurdistan.
3-Hawrami,Comparison between Avesta and modern Kurdish Language, Sardam Publishing, 2005, Sulaimania, Kurdistan.
4-Khoshnaw, Farhad, Secrets of Mithraism, Mukriani Publishing Center, 2008, Dhok , Kurdistan.
5-Khoshhali, Behzad,Philology of Kurdish language and history of Kurdistan, Khani
Printing, 2008, Dahok, Kurdistan..
Printing, 2008, Dahok, Kurdistan..
6-Diakonoff, Media (Medya), Ministry of Culture, 2008, Hawler, Kurdistan.
7-Gadani, Jalil, The same Nationality of Kurds and Medes, Ministry of Culture, 2004,
8-Hossin, Mahamad. Zoroaster and Zoroastrians. Tafsir, Hawler, Kurdistan. 2009.
9. Mukriani, Kurdistan, The Era of Kurdish language and Iranian languages . Aras publishing Center, 2008, Hawler, Kurdistan.
9. Mukriani, Kurdistan, The Era of Kurdish language and Iranian languages . Aras publishing Center, 2008, Hawler, Kurdistan.
Eu recomendaria também a seguinte obra (lembrando sempre que a edição digital para Kindle sempre é mais barata, podendo ser lida apenas baixando-se o software leitor gratuitamente lá no site, ao se comprar nele qualquer obra digital, sem ser necessário comprar-se o aparelho Kindle em si):
"Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata"
http://www.amazon.com/Anahita-Ancient-Persian-Goddess-Zoroastrian-ebook/dp/B00FPPRZZS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1446344692&sr=8-1&keywords=AnahitaTentarei, aos poucos, adicionar mais links interessantes sobre este ramo da grande árvore espiritual e cultural indo-europeia que, como alguns outros, precisa de resgate urgente de suas verdadeiras raízes, para que todos seus descendentes possam ter a opção de cultuar sua verdadeira espiritualidade e sabedoria ancestrais - e todos que amam estes povos possam também fruir de toda esta inspiração e beleza literalmente mágica! Por enquanto, apenas mais este:
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