sábado, 30 de maio de 2015

Os códices de Nag Hamadi e o Cristianismo Gnóstico.

"The Nag Hammadi Codices and Gnostic Christianity

How the Nag Hammadi texts discovered in Egypt reintroduced the world to Gnostic Christianity"

"This Bible History Daily feature was originally published in March 2011. It has been updated.—Ed."

'Based on “Issue 200: Ten Top Discoveries,” Biblical Archaeology Review, July/August September/October 2009.'


Link relacionado: 
"The apocryphal Acts of John describe the dance of Jesus and the apostles. How widespread was the ritual of dance in Christian worship? Read “Jesus as Lord of the Dance: From early Christianity to medieval Nubia” in Bible History Daily."

Observação: "Codices" é plural de "codex":


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aspecto histórico-antropológico da palavra:

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