Como a administradora da seção do museu estão falando em curdo de Rojhelat (Curdistão ocupado pelo Iraque), pedi a um amigo de lá que traduza para o inglês, caso ele consiga algum tempo, adicionando legendas neste idioma. Por enquanto, teremos que nos contentar com a explicação em inglês dada pelo canal que postou o vídeo:
Published on Jul 31, 2015
"Miss Hazha Jalal, manager of the tablet's section of the Sulaymaniyah Museum of Iraqi Kurdistan speaks (using Kurdish language) about the newly discovered tablet V of the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is housed in the Sulaymaniayh Museum; "The tablet dates back to the Old-Bablyonian period, 2000-1500 BCE. It is a part of tablet V of the epic. It was acquired by the Museum in the year 2011 and that Dr. Farouk Al-Raw transliterated it. It was written as a poem and many new things this version has added, for example Gilgamesh and his friend met a monkey. We are honored to house this tablet and any one can visit the Museum during its opening hours from 8:30 morning to noon. The entry is free for you and your guests. Thank you."
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