Nota: Fiz algumas correções ortográficas e sintáticas, dentro do possível e respeitando o sentido pretendido pelo autor do texto, evidentemente, por este se tratar de um blog de EFL (English as a Foreign Language)
"An unknown Kurdish activist has died after being tortured to death in a Turkish jail.
His name is uknown because there are hundreds like him who have been put into prison for raising their voices. Most die in prison after being tortured, we´ve always known this but we had never been faced with this much proof. See the words on the wall and his lifeless body. He may be someone’s son, someone’s brother, someone’s father. And his family probably doesn’t even know what happened. Now look at the upper part of his body. They cut a turkish flag on his body just to make a statement. They enjoyed this satanic torturing and disgracing of a human being. The prisonkeepers were even so proud they put the photo online. This is pure hate because of a different race. It´s digusting, disturbing and heartbreaking.
His crime was speaking Kurdish..
Hello world, when will you stop ignoring ? Are we not humans? Do we feel no pain, do we not bleed like you? We have suffered genocide for years after till this day on. The violence against Kurds is even increasing rapidly.
May you find peace, Humanity has betrayed you. Hope one day we will find out who you are. Sehid namre!!"
"(The picture was taken by a Turkish prison keeper)"
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