quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2015

Mais uma vez, o governo turco massacra curdos no seu país.

Postado pelo perfil de Oktay Sahbaz no Facebook:
Nota: Foram necessárias algumas pequenas correções no texto da postagem original (como usar 'provoke" ao invés de *'provocate' por exemplo) por razões óbvias mas que em nada alteraram o significado do original, como pode ser conferido no link para a postagem do perfil supracitado.

"I am urging all my non-Turkish/Kurdish friends to share the post below and the other ones to let the world know what is happening in Turkey.
Today in many cities in Turkey, Kurdish people - young, old, men and women, Kurdish organisations, Kurdish activists, or even those people who are defending the Kurds - are all currently being attacked by the members of the Nationalist Party MHP together with their counterparts AKP members. Houses and offices belonging to Kurdish people are being burned while people are still inside.
Kurdish children are being shot on the streets. A Kurdish mum had no choice but to store her dead (killed by Turkish police) child in her fridge as she could not bury the body due to the curfew imposed by the Turkish government. President Erdoğan is continuing to provoke hatred among the Turkish people. His explanation for the violence is the latest election results which resulted in AKP loss of the overall control and failing to get the 400 Mp's to make constitutional changes.
Kurdish workers, including a 70-year -old agriculture worker and construction workers were beaten up by fascists groups just for being Kurdish."
"Turkish police, known for their strong and tough stand against Kurdish and progressive forces are watching fascists set fire and kill people."

Foto e comentário abaixo postados pelo perfil do Facebook de Dengê Cîhanê

"Shame on you for the dictatorship which you work for! The dictator who gives you orders to kill innocent children. Shame on you, today is my Kurdish sister you have in the visor, tomorrow you stand eye to eye with your own sister! You'll always see this Kurdish girl in the eyes of your sister!!
Wake up because if you shoot, you will never dream again!!"


Menino curdo, espancado e forçado a se envolver na bandeira turca. 



Foto e comentário postados pelo perfil no Facebook de 
Ronahi NelikKurdistan Supporters
20 hrs 
"++victim of turkish police of cizire++"

Curdos na Turquia mostram sua indignação pelos massacres do governo de Erdogan contra os curdos no país e gritam que jamais se submeterão aos seus abusos e crimes! 
Vídeo postado pelo perfil no Facebook de Doğan Çam

Cartaz postado pelo perfil no Facebook de Shwan Shilani

E eu aduzo:
A verdade nua e crua, nada menos que a verdade...

Filmagens documentais mostrando o ataque de supremacistas islâmicos e ultranacionalistas turcos atacando estabelecimentos curdos aos gritos de "Allahu Akbar". 
Vídeo e texto postados pela página do Facebook Kurdish nationalists:

"The Nazis are back, but they chant Allah Akbar and the victims are Kurds.

This takes place in Turkey, where the Turks are smashing all Kurdish shops, burning down their buildings and houses and attacking buses which travel to the Kurdish cities, Civilians are being robbed and assaulted, Kurdish youths are shot down and stabbed to death.

The military has surrounded all Kurdish cities and snipers shoot down people. This is what must Kurds find themselves in and accept it, according to western democratic principles or we'll be branded as terrorists.

No, my friends all resistance against this state and this people is legitimate and is nothing more than self-defense."

"Spanish specialist on Kurdish issues refutes US terrorism charges"

By Alexandra Di Stefano Pironti 14 hours agohttp://rudaw.net/english/world/110920151

 Foto, texto com link postados pela página do Facebook Ina LeitoKurdistan Supporters
7 hrs 

"Kurdish politicians attacked by police on their way to Cizre.
Riot police forces have blocked and attacked the delegation of Kurdish politicians on their way from İdil to Cizre district of Şırnak Thursday morning.The prevention was grounded on an order from the Ministry of the Interior.
Acting upon police chief's order to 'sweep them away', riot police attacked the HDP deputies with shields and helmets. Some deputies including Osman Baydemir and Meral Danış Beştaş have been injured in the attack.
Police forces continue denying permission for the HDP officials who include 40 deputies, Co-President Selahattin Demirtaş,Co-Spokespersons of HDK (Peoples' Democratic Congress), Co-Chairs of DBP (Party of Democratic Regions) and DTK (Democratic Society Congress).
In the meantime, attacks on civilians in Cudi and Nur neighborhoods of Cizre are reported to be going on, during which at least four people have lost their lives today.

"Journalists face further violence in southeast Turkey
CIZRE, Turkey — During the eight-day, 24-hour curfew imposed earlier this month on the city of Cizre, journalists were not allowed to enter the town."

"Surprising Ties between Israel and the Kurds"
by Ofra Bengio
Middle East Quarterly
Summer 2014 (view PDF)

A máscara do Fatah cai de vez em relação aos curdos também:

"PLO opposes Kurdish self-determination"

"Al Arabiya reported that PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat is opposed to Kurdish self-determination: “Kurdish independence would be a poisoned sword against the Arabs.” It has been reported that the PA is trying to build stronger ties with Iran and reestablished diplomatic relations with Syria."

Sep 10, 2015, 02:30PM | Rachel Avraham

Links relacionados:


Milhares de pessoas vão as ruas na cidade turca de  Nusaybin para protestar contra o massacre das vítimas curdas em Cizre https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=744758262296061 

"Heavy battles between the PKK and Turkish Army in Cizre"

 Postado pela página do Facebook Kurdistan Observatory for Human Rights
"ARD: Schwere Gefechte zwischen PKK und Türkische Armee in Cizre"
 (Vídeo narrado em alemão sem legendas em inglês)

Um curdo de 75 anos e pai de cinco é assassinado pelo governo supremacista de Erdogan ao ir comprar pão:
Postado pelo perfil no Facebook de Şoreşe Serhîldane Berxwedane Tolhîldane


Adolescente curdo de 14 anos assassinado covardemente pela polícia de Erdogan
Um bebê curdo vítima dos bombardeios do governo turco no Curdistão do sul:
Comentário e foto postados pelo perfil de Soz Ali na página Kurdistan Supporters
"RIP baby" 
"Victim of Turkish bombardments on South Kurdistan"

"Turkish police in Cizre have accomplished what the PKK couldn’t in 30 years

Turkish Special Ops officers attacking Cizre for the past nine days have been able to generate more support for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) than the PKK itself could accomplish in 30 years, says Selahattin Demirtaş, co-chair of the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP)."

Mais fotos de curdos vítimas do governo de Erdogan:
Postadas pelo perfil de  Selahattin Demirtaş HDP İstanbul Milletvekili
Obs.: Os links para as fotos postadas pelo perfil supracitado estão dando a seguinte mensagem: 
The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in."




Atualização em 14/09/2015
E os supremacistas turcos estão atacando locais dos curdos em toda a Europa, as fotos e comentários abaixo são de ataques na cidade sueca de Fittja, postadas pela página do Facebook 
International brigade of Rojava

(Obs.: Por razões gramaticais, só fiz algumas alteração sintáticas no comentário original)

"Turkish fascists attacking Kurdish locals in Sweden with a bomb.

They are attacking Kurds all
over Europe. This is something that not even the Islamic state *has done but the Turks *have!"


Nacionalistas turcos atacaram trabalhadores de construção em Bolu, na Turquia, e tentaram queimá-los vivos!
 Kurdistan Observatory for Human Rights'spost to the group: Kurdistan Supporters.
16 hrs
"Turkish nationalists attacked Kurdish construction workers in Bolu/Turkey and tried to burn them alive."

Atualização (16/09/2015)

Aviso, cenas extremamente chocantes.
Observação: o vídeo é de um caso que se deu na Suíça, onde turcos supremacistas atropelaram manifestamtes curdos também naquele país.
Comentário em inglês e link para o vídeo postados pela página do Facebook 
Obs.: Fiz algumas alterações gramaticais necessárias no comentário para, dentro do possível, adequá-lo à norma da língua inglesa mas tais modificações em nada alteraram o significado do texto original, o que pode ser verificado no link dado para ele logo em seguida.

"Turkish fascist thugs ran over Kurds who were protesting the Turkish state's atrocities against Kurdish kids and civilians in Bern-Switzerland/ Europe. As you see in the video, the Turkish fascist thugs drive the car over the Kurdish demonstrators/ activists who were protesting the Turkish state´s attacks on Kurds. 

That's called BARBARISM! "— at Rojava.

Foto de um curdo atropelado por supremacista turco e comentário com link para o vídeo de um destes atropelamentos postados pela página no Facebook Kurdistan News
September 12 · 

"A Kurd badly wounded by a Turk who hit demonstrators with his car, his message is clear, we'll fight till death!"


"Knife and Car Attacks on Kurdish Rally’s in Germany and Switzerland Leave Many Injured"  0

"Pro-Kurdish HDP could become Turkey’s 3rd biggest party, says the head of polling firm" Posted on August 19, 2015 by KDN


Atualização (18/09/21015)
Curdos torturados por soldados turcos:
Fotos postadas pela página do Facebook Koerdische Roos





"Wave of anti-Kurd attacks in Turkey spark fears of potential pogrom"

ATUALIZAÇÃO (26/09/2015)
Postado pela página do Facebook Kurdistan Observatory for Human Rights
"Seit einigen Stunden ist Ovacik von der Aussenwelt abgeschnitten. Die Befürchtungen eines Massakers wie in Farqin, Cizîr und Gever ist hoch.

For many hours there is no connection from ovacik to outside world. People fear massacre like in Farqin (Silvan), Cizîr (Cizre) and Gever (Yüksekova).
Since a couple of hours ovacık is cut off from the world. The fears of a massacre as in far qin, cizîr and gever is high.
For many hours,  there has been no connection between Ovacik  and the  outside world. People fear massacre like in Farqin (Silvan), Cizîr (Cizre) and Gever (Yüksekova)."
Tradução livre:
Há algumas horas, a cidade de Ovacik está sem conexão com o mundo exterior. A população teme profundamente um massacre 
como os ocorridos em Farqin (Silvan) Cizîr (Cizre) e em Gever (Yüksekova).

 Atualização (26/09/2015)
Link relacionado:
"Karayılan: We are at the stage of founding Free Kurdistan"     http://anfenglish.com/kurdistan/karayilan-we-are-at-the-stage-of-founding-free-kurdistan

"Women lead the building of self-rule in Cizre

Undertaking a leading role in the building of a democratic system in their town, women of Cizre are distributing the daily supplies they have collected to the families who lost their houses during the nine days of curfew."


"Eight-year-old child killed by police in Bismil" September 27th 2015

"In the same way recently witnessed in different parts of Northern Kurdistan, Turkish state forces have committed a murder in the wake of a curfew." http://www.kurdishinfo.com/eight-year-old-child-killed-by-police-in-bismil

"Eight children wounded in mine explosion in Kobanê" Sept 27 2015

"A mine previously laid by ISIS gangs has exploded amid a group of children playing outside in Boban village to the south of Kobanê."   http://www.kurdishinfo.com/eight-children-wounded-in-mine-explosion-in-kobane

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