domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2020

Um artigo (em inglês) sobre a língua Low Saxon e sua importância na fomentação do entendimento entre alemães e holandeses.

 "The Elephant in the Room of Dutch-German Communication" by Matn ter Denge

Aproveitando o ensejo, posto aqui as explicações que me foram gentilmente dadas pelo autor do artigo, sobre as diferenças e semelhanças do uso dos verbos 'doon' e 'maken' na variante Twentsk do Low Saxon (falada na Holanda) com o uso dos cognatos do inglês 'do' e 'make' e do alemão (High German/ Hoch Deutsch) 'tun' e 'machen':

Matn ter Denge wrote:

"It's more like when English uses 'do' for emphasis. 'I do learn'. Twentsk has this too, albeit to a lesser extent."

 "Twentsk tends to lean towards Dutch, so their doon/maken distinction is more Dutch-influenced. If we take for instance the phrase 'Open/shut the door', German speakers use a German-influenced 'Maak de döäre up/to' (German: Mach den Tür auf/zu), where as Twentske speakers say 'Doot de döäre lös/dichte' (Dutch: Doe de deur open/dicht)."

 "Of course, whether they are really influenced by the national languages is up for debate. It could well be that it has always been this way. It simply hasn't been researched, as far as I know."

 "In Twentsk, 'doon' is both a marker of habit and current activity. Habit:'Wat do y daags vöär de kost?' (what do you do for your food daily? > What's your job?)- 'Ik do timmeren' (I do hammer > I'm a carpenter)Current activity:"Wat do y? (What are you doing?)"- "Ik do koaken (I do cook > I am cooking)"I've noticed that this second use is eaven more wide-spread in Northern Low Saxon."

 "Twentsk 'doon' has become a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. It can mean 'to do', 'give' ('Doot my de solt', pass me the salt, please), 'bring' ('de kinder når bedde hen doon' > 'do the kids to bed') and even 'speak'. There's a local joke: 'Ik doe Nederlands' (Dutch phrase meaning 'I speak Dutch', with the wrong use of 'do')." Matn ter Denge

Mais um artigo sobre o Low Saxon do mesmo autor:

"5 beautiful Low Saxon idioms to use in your daily life"

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