sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2020

Preciosidade da cultura iídiche secular: a canção Odessa mama - Aaron Lebedeff (letra em iídiche e tradução inglesa dadas no texto)

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Letra iídiche e tradução inglesa gentilmente cedidas pelo canal do Youtube sasha365i

Odessa mama - Aaron Lebedeff

Ver es iz nor nit geven In der sheyner shtot Odess Hot di velt gor nit gezeyn Un er veyst nit fun progress. Vos mir Vin un vos Pariz, Blotte, khoyzik, kayn farglaykh, Nor Odess ot dortn iz A Gan Eydn, zog ikh aykh. Dort in a traktir Derlangt men aych bir Un farbaysen dertsi A frishe skrumbli Bashmala un balik Un tsu dem a shashlik; Mit a git glezl vayn - Vos ken beser nokh zayn? Oy, Odessa Mama, Bist mir tayr lib on shir. Oy, Odessa Mama, Gevald ikh benk nokh dir! Oy, Odessa Mama, Ver ken dikh fargesen, ver? Oy, Odessa Mama, Ikh ze dokh dir nisht mer. Oy, Odessa Mama, Ikh benk nokh dir un shver: Dayne gasn, trotuaren Zaynen prekhtig, lekhtig, sheyn. Di kafeyen, di bulvaren, Dos fargesen ken men neyn. Di sharbankes, di tzigankes, Mit dem tuml-ta-ra-ram, Di hoteln, di mamzeln Ligt mir nokhyetst in tam. Oy, Odessa Mama, Bist mir tayr lib on shir. Oy, Odessa Mama, Gevald ikh benk nokh dir! Oy, Odessa Mama, Ver ken dikh fargesen, ver? Oy, Odessa Mama, Ikh ze dokh dir nisht mer. Oy, Odessa Mama, Ikh benk nokh dir un shver: Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, Dos fargesn ken men neyn Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, Vi volt ikh gevolt dikh zeyn! Hop tidl dam ti stidl didl dam ti... Oy, Odess-Odessa Mama, Bist di shenste panorame; Yedr eyner hot dikh shtark geshetst. Di fantanen, restoranen, Haynt Odessa di limanen! Ver veyst vos iz gevorn fun dir yetst? Odess, Odess, ikh benk nokh dir - Odess! Translation Whoever has not been In the beautiful city of Odessa Has not seen the world And knows nothing of progress Who cares for Vienna of Paris, They're puddles, jokes, no comparison Only in Odessa is A Paradise, I say. There in a restaurant They serve you beer And with it a bite Of fresh skrumbli Bashmala and balik And with them a shashlik With a good glass of wine - What could be better? Oh, Mother Odessa, You're forever dear to me. Oh, Mother Odessa, How I long for thee! Oh, Mother Odessa, Who can forget you? Oh, Mother Odessa, I see you no more. Oh, Mother Odessa, I long for you and vow: Your avenues, promenades Are light, beautiful. The cafes, the boulevards, One can never forget. The carriages, the gypsies, The tumult, ta-ra-ram, The hotels, the young ladies Still are on my mind. Oh, Mother Odessa, You're forever dear to me. Oh, Mother Odessa, How I long for thee! Oh, Mother Odessa, Who can forget you? Oh, Mother Odessa, I long for you and vow: Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, One cannot forget. Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, How I should like to see you again! Hop tidl dam ti stidl didl dam ti..... Oh, Odess-Odessa Mother, You are the most beautiful panorama; Everyone treasured you dearly. The cabarets, restaurants, You will still remember today Who knows what has become of you? Odessa, Odessa, I long for you!

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