"Fantasy Land"
É importante ler o aviso muito lúcido que eles colocam logo ao início da página, sobre a possibilidade de 'broken link' (links que já não funcionam), e pedindo que os ajudem, enviando emails avisando sobre aqueles que apresentarem este problema:
"This website contains thousands of links to thousands of external websites. Although we check for, and correct broken links once monthly, it´s inevitable that you will encounter broken links throughout the site. It's very simple - they are not under our control. Web sites comes and go quickly on the internet. Sometimes sites disappear because the webmaster moved, lost interest, or died. Occasionally, they are removed by their ISP for legal or ethical reasons. Once in a while, a web site is simply moved to a different host. Please, assist us by emailing us to advise of a broken link, so we can correct it, or remove it immediately.

Divulgar culturas ancestrais - em geral politeístas mas não necessariamente - e conhecimentos pouco ou não divulgados pela mídia mainstream. No copyright infringement intended. I do NOT own ANY rights to the videos here embedded NOR TO ANY OF THEIR CONTENT WHATSOEVER. The same applies to the Facebook pages material shared on this blog.
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