segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2020

Alguns links introdutórios e algumas citações destes sobre as diferentes tradições tântricas do hinduísmo e do bonismo (Yungdrung Bön)

Um artigo introdutório mas excelente explicando a linhagem tântrica Rajanaka:
'Tantra is a word commonly thrown around in the yoga world, and let's face the facts. What do you think about when someone says, "Tantra?" Sex.' "There is nothing wrong with this association, as the Tantric worldview encompasses physical intimacy and connection, but it is also very limiting as the tradition contains much greater texture and dimension.
"The Tantra is a vast tradition that represents many diverse schools and thoughts. This philosophical system began to take root in India around the seventh century, and ranges from more orthodox schools, which have structured rituals, meditations, and teacher-based initiations, to more liberal schools which have a reputation for defying social norms and using sexual practices as ritual, which is where the Tantra as sex association began.
The points to follow are from the point-of-view of the Rajanaka Tantra lineage -- a more centric school -- which embraces many Tantric teachings and makes them applicable to daily life. ..."

Outro excelente artigo introdutório: 
"Tantra Rising More and more Westerners are embracing Tantra as a means for transforming day-to-day experiences into a cause for blissful celebration. Can it change your life?" NORA ISAACSUPDATED:MAY 23, 2017ORIGINAL:AUG 28, 2007
Um site com informações substanciais, tanto introdutórias como mais aprofundadas, sobre o assunto e que também contém vários links internos:

Uma visão mais aprofundada sobre o assunto sob o conceito mais abrangente do Shaktismo (Śāktism) no Hinduísmo:
Uma página introdutória no Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies 
A homepage do projeto:

A página introdutória do site, explicando o tema de forma acessível:

Na tradição ancestral xamânica tibetana Yungdrung Bön:
Nota: Apenas devo lembrar que a grafia das palavras tibetanas transliteradas não representa a pronúncia factual destas e também que a origem do Tantra Bön é distinta das hindus. Eis aqui um trecho do artigo de Mutsug Moran mencionando o fato nas linhas finais da página:

" ... However, the lineages for the Father and Mother Tantras of Bön drive from Tazig and Zhang-zhung rather than India. Originally these Bönpo Tantras were taught to certain great adepts or Mahasiddhas by Tönpa Shenrab in his manifestation as Chimed Tsugphud ('Chi-med gtsug-phud) in his previous life. At that time Sakyamuni was his disciple under the name of Sangwa Dupa (gSang-ba 'dus-pa, Skt. Guhyasamaja)." by Mutsug Marro
"In terms of the Tantric teachings, within the Bönpo system there are found 4 types of Tantra, namely:
  1. "Bya-ba'i rgyud",
  2. "sPyod-pa'i rgyud",
  3. "Ye gshen gyi rgyud", and
  4. "Ye gshen chen-po'i rgyud" Then Mutsug Marro gives the explanation of each type in that excellent link:

O 'Tantra-Mãe' do Bön: 
"This part of Lama Sangye Mönlam's comprehensive course of Ma Gyüd teachings covers Drol-Lam, the "way of liberation". The "Drol" of "Drol-Lam" is a more forceful liberation than the "Thar" of "Tharlam", the subject of last year's teachings. One might say, if samsara is a jail, then "Thar" corresponds to a successful jail-break, while "Drol" corresponds to destroying the jail completely.'
'The chapter contains detailed instructions for visualization practices that resemble bizarre thought experiments. Their unsettling quality jolts the mind out of its usual rut, and, with luck, we land in a state quite unlike any other, of pure consciousness without any object, clear and empty, and, above all, perfect. This so called natural state is the base that Tantra and Dzogchen have in common, and the important purpose of the Drol-lam chapter is to give an introduction to this state. ..." MA GYÜD - Bön mother Tantra

Um estudo científico investigando uma possível conexão entre o tantra e a neurosciência
"Tantra and Modern Neurosciences: Is there any Correlation"
"Background and Aims: Many studies have conclusively proven that meditative techniques derived from the Indian systems of philosophy, meditation and ritual classified as “Tantra” can bring about sustained changes in the structure and function of the nervous system of practitioners. The aim of this study is to provide neuroscientists a framework through which to interpret Tantra, and thereby provide a foundation upon which future interdisciplinary study can be built."
Anand Venkatraman1, Rajarshi Nandy2, Shyam Sudarshan Rao3, Darshan Hemendra Mehta4, Anand Viswanathan5, Rama Jayasundar6 1 Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2 Founder, Adhyatmikta, New Delhi, India 3 Department of Neurology, Brown University Medical Center, Providence, Rhode Island, USA 4 Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital; Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA 5 Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA 6 Department of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

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