Foto e comentário com links para -ebooks e PDFs gratuitos dados pela página do Facebook

" Here's a small collection of vegan ebooks available to download free.. Enjoy! "
Make It Vegan with Isa Chandra Moskowitz:
http://foodthinkers.com/ ebooks/ make-it-vegan-with-isa-chan dra-moskowitz/
This Rawsome Vegan Life:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 116061149/ This-Rawsome-Vegan-E-Book
The Animal Free Cookbook:
http://issuu.com/ robingager/docs/ the_animal_free_cookbook_by _robin_g
A Taste of Vitality By Mark Foy:
http://www.vitalita.com/ docs/ATasteOfVitality.pdf
Desserts of Vitality By Mark Foy:
http://www.vitalita.com/ docs/DessertsOfVitality.pdf
Vegan Lunch Box:
http://issuu.com/ aidenyork/docs/ vegan_lunch_box
The Vegan Cuts Summer Bash eBook:
http://vegancuts.com/ summerbashebook
Easy Vegan Recipes Cookbook:
http://cok.net/wp-content/ uploads/literature/ EasyVeganRecipes.pdf
World Veganism – past, present, and future By John Davis, IVU Manager and Historian:
http://www.ivu.org/ history/Vegan_History.pdf
— withGiovanni V Serpiente Patzzi. Make It Vegan with Isa Chandra Moskowitz:
This Rawsome Vegan Life:
The Animal Free Cookbook:
A Taste of Vitality By Mark Foy:
Desserts of Vitality By Mark Foy:
Vegan Lunch Box:
The Vegan Cuts Summer Bash eBook:
Easy Vegan Recipes Cookbook:
World Veganism – past, present, and future By John Davis, IVU Manager and Historian:
Thanks to buddy Heather Michael Leughmyer for sharing this precious posting from the page Evolve Campaigns !
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