Observarção :Este esquilo vista uma casa todo dia e no verão procura comida e água gelada,desta vez resolveu se refrescar primeiro !
Foto e texto abaixo com link postados pela página do Facebook

"Funny story from my friend Michele!
"According to Oklahoma TV station KFOR, this is Charmin, a squirrel that visits Coyle, Okla., resident Annette Conley every day to get food and ice water. But it has been hot as squirrel balls in Oklahoma lately, with temperatures up to 115 degrees F, so Charmin clearly decided it would be a mistake to drink ice water without first lying around on top of it for a while. Basically, this is a reverse sauna for squirrels."
read more here:
http://grist.org/list/ its-so-hot-in-oklahoma-that -this-squirrel-melted/
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