Desenho animado baseado em obra do poeta Tártaro Gabdulla Tukay (1886-1913) "Evening in Winter" (1909) gentilmente traduzido para o inglês ,com verdadeiro refinamento ,cabe notar, pelo canal que fez o upload do vídeo no youtube :
WebsiteGabdullaTukay traduziu :
" I like to watch the kids on winter nights at home,
The house is warm, they’re sitting by the stove.
The kids are joyful, one next to the other,
And nothing makes them sad and nothing seems to bother.
While listening to fairy tales, the night is not so long,
They do not hear the wind, howling and strong,
It’s angry, trying to tear down the wall.
The birds are all a’tremble, large and small.
Kids, feel lucky, you’re warm and fed,
Think of all those without home or bread.
No one to feed these poor orphans, no place to go,
Just this windy night with no tomorrow.
Frost is biting at their noses and ears,
Little icicles have grown from their tears.
Kids, remember all those poor and needy,
Think of them, don’t be selfish, heartless, greedy "
(fim da tradução dada pelo dono do canal supracitado)
Site dedicado a este grande poeta tártaro,gentilmente dado pelo dono do canal do youtube "Website Gabdulla Tukay " :