quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013

O herbalista e professor de artes marciais chinês que viveu 256 anos !

Foto , texto e link postados pela página do Facebook Sun Gazing

" Li Ching-Yuen was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor who lived to the ripe old age of 256 and sired 200 descendants during his life span, surviving 23 wives. Ching-Yuen lived off a diet of herbs and rice wine inculding lingzhi, goji berry, wild ginseng, he shou wu and gotu kola. In a 1930 New York Times article, Professor Wu Chung-chieh of the University of Chengdu discovered Imperial Chinese government records from 1827, congratulating one Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday, and further documents later congratulating him on his 200th birthday in 1877 (Wikipedia, 2013). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Ching-Yuen   "

Manfred Pohlmann - Lothringen ou Alsácia-Lorena , a região de fala germânica da França

Abaixo segue a letra , gentilmente me enviada por email pelo compositor da mesma , Manfred Pohlmann :

"LOTHRINGEN (fir de Jo Nousse)
Text: Manfred Pohlmann
Musik: Michael Thielen

Endlose Stroose von Bäm flankiert, verlieren sich am Horizont
Henner demm dann Paris seine Hochmut ausbrüded
Un och manche Hoffnung vom Wegloofe wohnt
Baueredörfjer met sprödem Charme, verschwiejene Angler am Fluss
Dausend Grabkreuze, Soldadefriedhöfe
Rotglühend Longwy, doch voll Staub un voll Russ.

Sanfde Hüjel met Wisse un Weide vorm Kollegräwerland
Friedliche Leit em Café des amis
Gän Le Pen off´nem Audo en geele Hand
Offem Marktplatz recht et Gemees un de Fesch, et wären Geschäfde gemacht
„Mir frecken“ stieht fett off ner Heiserwand
E Mädsche em enge Minirock lacht.

Un alles dat gett Lothringen

Arweidersiedlunge, graue Fabrigge, bondije Wäsch em Wend
Franzözije Pole, Algerier un Spanier
En preussische Sarde met ner Frau aus Tarent.
Menschliches Treibgut angeschwemmt, off der Soch no Arweit un Brut
Fir emmer zwesche bleiwe un Weggiehn schwangend
Met Liebe un Sanftmut, met Hass un Wut

Tous les samedis soirs läft dä selwe Film, Kneipe un Discos senn voll
Wärd geliebt un geschwaad, vill gesoff un gedanzt
Hiert me Stöhne, Tango un Rock ´n Roll
Off Rennräder rosen Radrenner eremm, fir l´Humanité un Campari
E paar dausend Leit stiehn am Strooserand
Junge senn off Brautschausafari

Un alles dat gett Lothringen

Schon von weidem sichtbar iwwerschadden dat Land
Vier bedrohlische Türm aus Beton
En Kathetrale aus Wahnsinn un Dommheit
Erdreggt dat kläne Dorf Cattenom
Die Kumpane kämpfen schonn su ville Johre, kommen nur langsam vom Fleck
Goliath grinst, David hätt kän Schleuder
Trotzdemm, dat Drecksding muss weg!

Un do senn dann die freundliche Gesichder, die Solidarität
Dat Bis-teef-en-die-Naachr-renn-zesammesetze
Un e Frehsteck dat fast en de Omend gerät
Dat ess Abschied un Ankunft, ess Komme un Giehn, ess Bewejung ohne Frooch
Et ess Esse un Tringe, senn Witze un Lache
Un net zeletzt och dä Kampf em uns Sprooch

Un alles dat gett Lothringen  "

terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

Study Russian! Cases and Nouns

Study Russian! Cases and Nouns

Republic of Bashkortostan 2

Republic of Bashkortostan 1

Republic of Bashkortostan 1

The Republic of Tatarstan

Learn Russian (Lesson #1) .HQ.

Learn Russian (Lesson #1) .HQ.

Kazan. Tatarstan. Tourist guide.

sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013

Bronze da cultura Udmurt de um cavaleiro xamânico

Gravura e comentário explicativo postados pela página do Facebook

Suppressed Histories Archives

" Udmurt bronze of shamanic rider on horse with serpent boat, cum fish, from the easternmost edge of what they call "Europe," but is culturally part of Asia, as in Siberia. "

Cantora da Mongólia canta em Khalkha e francês e belo dueto

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

Tatar cartoon - "A mouse that fell into the milk" (Gabdulla Tukay)

Tatar cartoon - "Kirlay" (Gabdulla Tukay)

Desenho animado tártaro baseado no poema "Noite de inverno" de Gabdulla Tukay (1886 - 1913)

 Desenho animado baseado em obra do poeta Tártaro Gabdulla Tukay (1886-1913) "Evening in Winter" (1909) gentilmente traduzido para o inglês ,com verdadeiro refinamento ,cabe notar, pelo canal que fez o upload do vídeo no youtube :

 WebsiteGabdullaTukay traduziu :

" I like to watch the kids on winter nights at home,
The house is warm, they’re sitting by the stove.
The kids are joyful, one next to the other,
And nothing makes them sad and nothing seems to bother.
While listening to fairy tales, the night is not so long,
They do not hear the wind, howling and strong,
It’s angry, trying to tear down the wall.
The birds are all a’tremble, large and small.

Kids, feel lucky, you’re warm and fed,
Think of all those without home or bread.
No one to feed these poor orphans, no place to go,
Just this windy night with no tomorrow.
Frost is biting at their noses and ears,
Little icicles have grown from their tears.
Kids, remember all those poor and needy,
Think of them, don’t be selfish, heartless, greedy "
(fim da tradução dada pelo dono do canal supracitado)

quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013

The Phonetics Symbols Course - Lesson 1

Irish vs Gaelic

Easy Irish / Gaeilge Lesson 1/15. People.

How to read the Vowel Digraphs Sounds Phonemes

Consonant Digraphs: sh ch wh th

The definite article - pronunciation and use

Esquilo se refresca sobre pote de água gelada no verão

Observarção :Este esquilo vista uma casa todo dia e no verão procura comida e água gelada,desta vez resolveu se refrescar primeiro !
Foto e texto abaixo com link postados pela página do Facebook Delilah the Squirrel

 "Funny story from my friend Michele! 

"According to Oklahoma TV station KFOR, this is Charmin, a squirrel that visits Coyle, Okla., resident Annette Conley every day to get food and ice water. But it has been hot as squirrel balls in Oklahoma lately, with temperatures up to 115 degrees F, so Charmin clearly decided it would be a mistake to drink ice water without first lying around on top of it for a while. Basically, this is a reverse sauna for squirrels."

read more here: 

Giant Pyrosome and Salps - pelagic sea squirts

A toupeira nariz-de-estrela

Foto , texto e link postados pela página do Facebook I Fucking Love this Planet


The star-nosed mole lives in wet lowland areas and eats small invertebrates, aquatic insects, worms, mollusks, small amphibians and small fish[9] It is a good swimmer and can forage along the bottoms of streams and ponds. Like other moles, this animal digs shallow surface tunnels for foraging; often, these tunnels exit underwater. It is active day and night and remains active in winter, when it has been observed tunneling through the snow and swimming in ice-covered streams. Little is known about the social behavior of the species, but it is suspected to be colonial.

The star-nosed mole mates in late winter or early spring, and the female has one litter of typically four or five young in late spring or early summer. However, females are known to have a second litter if their first is unsuccessful. At birth, each offspring is about 5 cm long, hairless, and weighs about 1.5 g. Their eyes, ears, and star are all sealed, only opening and becoming useful about 14 days after birth. They become independent after about 30 days, and are fully mature after 10 months. Predators include the red-tailed hawk, great horned owl, various skunks and mustelids, and large fish, as well as domestic cats.

It is identified by the 11 pairs of pink fleshy appendages ringing its snout, which is used as a touch organ with more than 25,000 minute sensory receptors, known as Eimer's organs, with which this hamster-sized mole feels its way around. With the help of its Eimer's organs, it may be perfectly poised to detect seismic wave vibrations

YouTube Video: http://youtu.be/SsvR4r1fCAQ The World's Weirdest Creature?

The Gift (Bug Chasing Documentary) 05/05

The Gift (Bug Chasing Documentary) 04/05

The Gift (Bug Chasing Documentary) 03/05

The Gift (Bug Chasing Documentary) 02/05

The Gift (Bug Chasing Documentary) 01/05