Divulgar culturas ancestrais - em geral politeístas mas não necessariamente - e conhecimentos pouco ou não divulgados pela mídia mainstream. No copyright infringement intended. I do NOT own ANY rights to the videos here embedded NOR TO ANY OF THEIR CONTENT WHATSOEVER. The same applies to the Facebook pages material shared on this blog.
quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013
domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2013
sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2013
sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2013
quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2013
quarta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2013
terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2013
quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2013
quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2013
domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013
terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2013
domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013
sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013
terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2013
The Aswang Phenomenon - Full Documentary on the Filipino Vampire
sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013
sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013
quarta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2013
sexta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2013
quinta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2013
Primeiro hambúrguer de carne de laboratório será lançado no Reino Unido
A carne de laboratório pode ser obtida tanto pelo cultivo de células tronco animais como ,no caso da imitação vegetal propriamente dita ,por tecido de plantas criadas por engenharia genética.
A carne de laboratório pode ser obtida tanto pelo cultivo de células tronco animais como ,no caso da imitação vegetal propriamente dita ,por tecido de plantas criadas por engenharia genética.
quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013
terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013
domingo, 28 de julho de 2013
Jews in Bashkiria speak Tatar-Bashkir Yiddish
Pode-se obter legendas em diferentes idiomas a escolher clicando-se no ícone retangular e selecionando-se a opção desejada.
Há legendas para vários idiomas,clicando-se no ícone retangular e escolhendo-se
a língua para a qual se desejam as mesmas.
sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2013
quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013
terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2013
segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013
NOLWEN LEROY. NUIT BRETONNE; sous un tonnerre d'applaudissements a Brest...
I do NOT own anything of the song nor of the video.Sharing for educational purposes only.Breton song
Nolwenn Leroy - Tri Martolod - clip
I do NOT own anything of the song nor of this video.Sharing for educational purposes only.Celtic Breton classic traditional song in the voice of a great Breton singer !
Dana - The Far Off Place (1971)
I do NOT own anything of the song nor of the recording.Sharing for sole educational purpose.
domingo, 21 de julho de 2013
quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2013
The Prince of Egypt - When you believe (lyrics)
" When You Believe" is a song by American recording artists Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.[2] The song was written and composed by Stephen Schwartz for the 1998DreamWorks animated feature The Prince of Egypt.[2] " In http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_You_Believe
I do NOT OWN ANYTHING of this video nor of this song.Thanks to youtube user JenJen2702 FOR UPLOADING IT WITH THE ONSCREEN LYRICS on her channel.
There is Life - Danish version with Danish and English subtitles
I do NOT own anything in this video,all copyrights belong to Disney and the songwriters and producers of the movie.Thanks to the youtube channel by Emilie Marie Lykke Duus for the Danish and English subtitles !
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambi_II Extract from the link describing this Disney animated feature:
"Bambi II is a 2006 Disney animated feature directed by Brian Pimental that initially premiered in theaters in Argentina on January 26, 2006, before being released as a direct-to-video title in the United States on February 7, 2006. It holds the world record for the longest span of time between two consecutive installments of a franchise, being released 64 years after the original.
The film is a midquel, the story taking place in the middle of Disney's original Bambi, with the Great Prince of the Forest dealing with the now motherless Bambi. It was first titledBambi and the Great Prince, but was renamed Bambi and the Great Prince of the Forestand later Bambi II. " Read more in the link given above.
quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2013
terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2013
Tarkan - Hepsi Senin mi (Şıkıdım) (ilk versiyon)
I do NOT own anything in this NOR in ANY other videos here embedded.Their sharing on this blog is for the sole aim of divulging the culture and the singers ! Buy their albums and dvds if you like the vids ,please .
sábado, 13 de julho de 2013
quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2013
terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2013
sábado, 6 de julho de 2013
terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2013
sábado, 29 de junho de 2013
quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2013
Kazakh singer singing in Russian: Zima (Winter)
I do not own anything of this nor of any other vid in this blog .
Kazakh band Tequila : Na Vastok
I do not own anything of this nor of any other vid here in this blog.
The singers are actually singing in Russian
Kazakh singer singing in Russian : SERDCE MOE ( My heart )
I do not own anything of this vid.No copyrights infringement intended.
The singer is singing in Russian.
Kazakh band : Kesh You - Arman-ai
I do not own anything of this vid (nor of any other ones in this blog)
The singer is singing in her native Kazakh language in this one.
Kazakh singer singing in Russian : Zalatoi
I don´t own anything of this vid (nor in any other one in this blog).No copyrights
infringement intended.The sole purpose here is to divulge minority and lesser known cultures and languages.The singer is actually singing in Russian but many Kazakhs also sing in their native language as well.
quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2013
sábado, 8 de junho de 2013
quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013
Bachgen Bach O Dincer - The little tinker lad
Letras em inglês e galês no link http://www.omniglot.com/songs/bcc/bachgenbach.php
segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2013
Mongol History - Kalmyk in the USA (1960s)
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Wr7LmkwwR8E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
sábado, 27 de abril de 2013
quinta-feira, 18 de abril de 2013
quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2013
"I'm 80% Girl, 20% Boy"
Do canal que postou o vídeo. No copyright infringement intended.I do not own anything.
Uploaded on Oct 18, 2008
" A short film from the UK directed by Maxx Ginnane. The film focuses on 29-year-old Adele, an intersex person (XXY). Born with ambiguous genitalia, she was surgically "corrected" (four operations by the time she was seven) and brought up as a boy, yet she has always felt that she was a girl. Though Adele is now pursuing gender reassignment surgery to become a woman, she muses as the film ends "I've lived 30 years of my life as a man, and I'm going to live the next 30 years of my life as a woman. But, eventually, when I'm an old person, hopefully society will have moved on to a point where I can live as myself -- which is an intersexed person -- neither male nor female."
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kLNL47KLLy8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLNL47KLLy8
sábado, 13 de abril de 2013
Erisioni concert - Georgian legend (full version)
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zAY3Bf9hwus" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
domingo, 24 de março de 2013
Dyhia La Reine Amazigh Qui a combattue l'invasion Arabe
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MEn_tEeUTj0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Leiam a explicação postada pelo dono do canal sobre a grande personagem histórica mostrada no vídeo:
Enviado em 09/02/2012 por Azdine Hellal no Youtube
Leiam a explicação postada pelo dono do canal sobre a grande personagem histórica mostrada no vídeo:
Enviado em 09/02/2012 por Azdine Hellal no Youtube
" Dyhia Fabuleuse épopée, que celle de cette reine berbère qui s'opposa au VIIe siècle, àl'invasion arabe de l'Afrique du Nord ! Kahina, qui signifie prêtresse, de son vrai nom Dihya ou Damya en tifinagh, est une reine guerrière berbère des Aurès qui s'opposa à l'expansion islamique en Afrique du Nord au VIIe siècle, et donna sa vie pour tenter de sauver l'indépendance de son pays.
Kahina, la reine guerrière berbère qui résista aux envahisseurs arabo-musulmans
De la même manière, quand on présente la Kahina comme une juive, qu'est-ce que cela veut dire ?
Ça, c'est une invention des Arabes.
Parce que, pour des Arabes et pour des musulmans, être juif, c'est être le diable.
C'est une manière de lui coller une autre religion.
Et, de toute façon, elle n'est pas entrée dans l'histoire comme ça.
Si elle était entrée dans l'histoire comme juive, ça se saurait.
La Kahina n'est pas entrée dans l'histoire parce qu'elle aurait lutté pour le judaïsme...
A ma connaissance, non.
Elle est entrée dans l'histoire comme nationaliste.
Fabulous Dyhia epic than the Berber queen who opposed the seventh century, Arabic to invasion of North Africa! Kahina, which means priestess, whose real name Dihya or Damya in Tifinagh, is a Berber warrior queen of the Aures who opposed the expansion of Islam in North Africa in the seventh century, and gave his life trying to save the independence of his country.
Kahina, Berber warrior queen who resisted the Arab Muslim invaders
Similarly, when presenting the Kahina as a Jewish, what does that mean?
That's an invention of the Arabs.
Because, for Arabs and Muslims, being a Jew is to be the devil.
It is a way of sticking it to another religion.
And, anyway, she is not into history like that.
If she had gone into history as Jewish, we would know.
Kahina is not into history because it would have struggled to Judaism ...
To my knowledge, no.
It came in as nationalist history.
Kahina, la reine guerrière berbère qui résista aux envahisseurs arabo-musulmans
De la même manière, quand on présente la Kahina comme une juive, qu'est-ce que cela veut dire ?
Ça, c'est une invention des Arabes.
Parce que, pour des Arabes et pour des musulmans, être juif, c'est être le diable.
C'est une manière de lui coller une autre religion.
Et, de toute façon, elle n'est pas entrée dans l'histoire comme ça.
Si elle était entrée dans l'histoire comme juive, ça se saurait.
La Kahina n'est pas entrée dans l'histoire parce qu'elle aurait lutté pour le judaïsme...
A ma connaissance, non.
Elle est entrée dans l'histoire comme nationaliste.
Fabulous Dyhia epic than the Berber queen who opposed the seventh century, Arabic to invasion of North Africa! Kahina, which means priestess, whose real name Dihya or Damya in Tifinagh, is a Berber warrior queen of the Aures who opposed the expansion of Islam in North Africa in the seventh century, and gave his life trying to save the independence of his country.
Kahina, Berber warrior queen who resisted the Arab Muslim invaders
Similarly, when presenting the Kahina as a Jewish, what does that mean?
That's an invention of the Arabs.
Because, for Arabs and Muslims, being a Jew is to be the devil.
It is a way of sticking it to another religion.
And, anyway, she is not into history like that.
If she had gone into history as Jewish, we would know.
Kahina is not into history because it would have struggled to Judaism ...
To my knowledge, no.
It came in as nationalist history.
Licença padrão do YouTube"Enviado em 09/02/2012
Dyhia Fabuleuse épopée, que celle de cette reine berbère qui s'opposa au VIIe siècle, àl'invasion arabe de l'Afrique du Nord ! Kahina, qui signifie prêtresse, de son vrai nom Dihya ou Damya en tifinagh, est une reine guerrière berbère des Aurès qui s'opposa à l'expansion islamique en Afrique du Nord au VIIe siècle, et donna sa vie pour tenter de sauver l'indépendance de son pays.
Kahina, la reine guerrière berbère qui résista aux envahisseurs arabo-musulmans
De la même manière, quand on présente la Kahina comme une juive, qu'est-ce que cela veut dire ?
Ça, c'est une invention des Arabes.
Parce que, pour des Arabes et pour des musulmans, être juif, c'est être le diable.
C'est une manière de lui coller une autre religion.
Et, de toute façon, elle n'est pas entrée dans l'histoire comme ça.
Si elle était entrée dans l'histoire comme juive, ça se saurait.
La Kahina n'est pas entrée dans l'histoire parce qu'elle aurait lutté pour le judaïsme...
A ma connaissance, non.
Elle est entrée dans l'histoire comme nationaliste.
Fabulous Dyhia epic than the Berber queen who opposed the seventh century, Arabic to invasion of North Africa! Kahina, which means priestess, whose real name Dihya or Damya in Tifinagh, is a Berber warrior queen of the Aures who opposed the expansion of Islam in North Africa in the seventh century, and gave his life trying to save the independence of his country.
Kahina, Berber warrior queen who resisted the Arab Muslim invaders
Similarly, when presenting the Kahina as a Jewish, what does that mean?
That's an invention of the Arabs.
Because, for Arabs and Muslims, being a Jew is to be the devil.
It is a way of sticking it to another religion.
And, anyway, she is not into history like that.
If she had gone into history as Jewish, we would know.
Kahina is not into history because it would have struggled to Judaism ...
To my knowledge, no.
It came in as nationalist history. "
Kahina, la reine guerrière berbère qui résista aux envahisseurs arabo-musulmans
De la même manière, quand on présente la Kahina comme une juive, qu'est-ce que cela veut dire ?
Ça, c'est une invention des Arabes.
Parce que, pour des Arabes et pour des musulmans, être juif, c'est être le diable.
C'est une manière de lui coller une autre religion.
Et, de toute façon, elle n'est pas entrée dans l'histoire comme ça.
Si elle était entrée dans l'histoire comme juive, ça se saurait.
La Kahina n'est pas entrée dans l'histoire parce qu'elle aurait lutté pour le judaïsme...
A ma connaissance, non.
Elle est entrée dans l'histoire comme nationaliste.
Fabulous Dyhia epic than the Berber queen who opposed the seventh century, Arabic to invasion of North Africa! Kahina, which means priestess, whose real name Dihya or Damya in Tifinagh, is a Berber warrior queen of the Aures who opposed the expansion of Islam in North Africa in the seventh century, and gave his life trying to save the independence of his country.
Kahina, Berber warrior queen who resisted the Arab Muslim invaders
Similarly, when presenting the Kahina as a Jewish, what does that mean?
That's an invention of the Arabs.
Because, for Arabs and Muslims, being a Jew is to be the devil.
It is a way of sticking it to another religion.
And, anyway, she is not into history like that.
If she had gone into history as Jewish, we would know.
Kahina is not into history because it would have struggled to Judaism ...
To my knowledge, no.
It came in as nationalist history. "
Licença padrão do YouTube
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dZiwM6OGpLI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2013
Os lírios são maravilhosos mas devemos cuidar para que não ponham os gatos em risco
Stages of Taoist Meditation - Taoist Meditation Circle
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4MHPc24k0IY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Possíveis benefícios anticancerígenos da graviola
É 10.000 vezes mais forte do que a quimioterapia e não querem que nós saibamos, pois caso contrário, as grandes cadeias iria parar VENDER MEDICAMENTOS !!!
A graviola ou graviola árvore é um produto milagroso para matar as células cancerosas. É mais potente do que 10,000 quimioterapias.
Por que não está ciente disso? Porque há organizações interessadas em encontrar uma versão sintética, que lhes permite obter lucros fabulosos. Assim, a partir de agora você pode ajudar um amigo em necessidade, deixando-o saber que beber suco de graviola pode prevenir a doença. O seu sabor é agradável. E, claro, não produz os efeitos terríveis da quimioterapia. E se você tiver a chance de fazer, plantar uma árvore em seu quintal de graviola. Todas as partes são úteis. "
Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, L.L.C. 819 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1201.

Postado em páginas do Facebook,traduzido de artigo do Instituto de Ciências da Saúde de Baltimore
" A próxima vez que você quiser beber um suco, escolha o de graviola!!!
Quantas pessoas morrem enquanto este tem sido um segredo bem guardado para não por em risco os lucros multimilionários de grandes empresas? Como você bem sabe a gravioleira é baixa. Não ocupa muito espaço, é conhecido pelo nome de Graviola no Brasil, Guanabana em espanhol, e "Graviola" em Inglês.
O fruto é muito grande e sua polpa branca, doce, comida diretamente ou normalmente usado para fazer bebidas, sorvetes, doces etc... O interesse desta planta é devido a seus fortes efeitos anti-câncer.
E embora ele atribuída muito mais propriedades, o mais interessante é o efeito que produz sobre os tumores... Esta planta é um remédio para o câncer de todos os tipos. Alguns dizem que é muito útil em todas as variantes de cancro.
Considera-se também como um espectro de agente anti-microbiano largo contra infecções bacterianas e fúngicas, é eficaz contra parasitas internos e vermes, que regula a pressão sanguínea e combate o stress elevado, a depressão e distúrbios do sistema nervoso.
A fonte desta informação é fascinante: ela vem de um dos maiores fabricantes de medicamentos do mundo, que diz que depois de mais de 20 testes de laboratórios realizados desde 1970 extratos revelaram que: destrói as células malignas em 12 tipos cancros, incluindo o cólon, mama, próstata, pulmão, pâncreas entre outras ...
Os compostos desta árvore mostrou 10.000 vezes melhor ato na diminuição de células de cancro que o produto da adriamicina, um fármaco quimioterapêutico, tipicamente usado em todo o mundo.
E o que é ainda mais surpreendente: este tipo de terapia, com o extrato de graviola, só destrói células de câncer maligno e não afeta as células saudáveis. "
Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, L.L.C. 819 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1201.
É 10.000 vezes mais forte do que a quimioterapia e não querem que nós saibamos, pois caso contrário, as grandes cadeias iria parar VENDER MEDICAMENTOS !!!
A graviola ou graviola árvore é um produto milagroso para matar as células cancerosas. É mais potente do que 10,000 quimioterapias.
Por que não está ciente disso? Porque há organizações interessadas em encontrar uma versão sintética, que lhes permite obter lucros fabulosos. Assim, a partir de agora você pode ajudar um amigo em necessidade, deixando-o saber que beber suco de graviola pode prevenir a doença. O seu sabor é agradável. E, claro, não produz os efeitos terríveis da quimioterapia. E se você tiver a chance de fazer, plantar uma árvore em seu quintal de graviola. Todas as partes são úteis. "
Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, L.L.C. 819 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1201.

Postado em páginas do Facebook,traduzido de artigo do Instituto de Ciências da Saúde de Baltimore
" A próxima vez que você quiser beber um suco, escolha o de graviola!!!
Quantas pessoas morrem enquanto este tem sido um segredo bem guardado para não por em risco os lucros multimilionários de grandes empresas? Como você bem sabe a gravioleira é baixa. Não ocupa muito espaço, é conhecido pelo nome de Graviola no Brasil, Guanabana em espanhol, e "Graviola" em Inglês.
O fruto é muito grande e sua polpa branca, doce, comida diretamente ou normalmente usado para fazer bebidas, sorvetes, doces etc... O interesse desta planta é devido a seus fortes efeitos anti-câncer.
E embora ele atribuída muito mais propriedades, o mais interessante é o efeito que produz sobre os tumores... Esta planta é um remédio para o câncer de todos os tipos. Alguns dizem que é muito útil em todas as variantes de cancro.
Considera-se também como um espectro de agente anti-microbiano largo contra infecções bacterianas e fúngicas, é eficaz contra parasitas internos e vermes, que regula a pressão sanguínea e combate o stress elevado, a depressão e distúrbios do sistema nervoso.
A fonte desta informação é fascinante: ela vem de um dos maiores fabricantes de medicamentos do mundo, que diz que depois de mais de 20 testes de laboratórios realizados desde 1970 extratos revelaram que: destrói as células malignas em 12 tipos cancros, incluindo o cólon, mama, próstata, pulmão, pâncreas entre outras ...
Os compostos desta árvore mostrou 10.000 vezes melhor ato na diminuição de células de cancro que o produto da adriamicina, um fármaco quimioterapêutico, tipicamente usado em todo o mundo.
E o que é ainda mais surpreendente: este tipo de terapia, com o extrato de graviola, só destrói células de câncer maligno e não afeta as células saudáveis. "
Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, L.L.C. 819 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1201.
Tai Chi and Back Problems
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OA6ao4UyiiA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013
segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013
O Deus Eslavo Horz

Desenho e texto postados pela página do Facebook do link original
Texto completo no link dado acima
by Vesna Kakaševski
translation by Snježana Todorović

"In 980 Prince Vladimir erected statues of pagan gods on a hill above Kiev, unaware that he would be the one to pull them down soon after that. Apart from the statues of Perun, Mokosi, Stribog, Simargal and Dazbog, Vladimir also put up a statue of Horz. There is no information on how this statue looked like, but we can at least guess how Horz was imagined by analyzing the records. Momir Jankovic attributed to Horz these physical characteristics: solar halo above his head, on his head a horn that symbolizes the Moon and on his chest a wolf devouring the Moon. From this description we can conclude that Horz was above all a god related to the celestial bodies, although we can doubt that his influence was confined strictly to this area. It is thought that the name Horz may actually originate from an Iranian language (possibly Scythian or Sarmatian). Horz represents not only the Moon, but the morning Sun as well, maybe even the Sun at all its stages. Sreznjev, the researcher who discovered a Horz’s statue, calls him Apollo. Horz is sometimes thought to be the same as Dazbog, thus making a single deity Horz-Dazbog. Horz’s sisters are Hrsalkas – the Sun girls. Linguistic analysis shows that Horz was sooner a god of the Sun than the Moon. Precisely that analysis will point to the problem of Horz’s primal origin and his position in Slavic mythology. "
O autor do artigo no link supracitado ainda adverte (extrato tirado do artigo do link dado)sobre a questão deste deus pagão ser ou não eslavo :
" Although the Slavic origin of Horz is disputable, we have included him among the traditional Slavic deities. Horz is mentioned in Nestor’s chronicle in the description of the Kiev pantheon, and in many other sources as well. We have already mentioned the Ukrainian legend of Prince Viseslav, which is found in The Stories of Igor’s People. Jordanes, the chronicler that studied the period of history from the second to the sixth century AD, mentions the Hortica Island on the Dnjepr as the site of a temple dedicated to Horz. Numerous place names support the theory that Horz was a Slavic god, but when analysing this deity we must take both interpretations of his origin into consideration. "
by Vesna Kakaševski
translation by Snježana Todorović
sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013
Piscinas de rocha no Canadá

Rock Pools, Canada
Piscinas naturais de rocha no Canadá
Postado pela página do Facebook

Philip Wollen : Animals Should Be Off The Menu debate | Subtitles in 18 ...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uQCe4qEexjc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2013
Frans de Waal: Moral behavior in animals
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GcJxRqTs5nk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
terça-feira, 12 de março de 2013
Descobertas científicas no noticiário mundial da semana passada
domingo, 10 de março de 2013
Morcego - raposa gigante
quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2013
Cientistas parecem ter descoberto a mítica pedra do sol usada na navegação pelos vikings
Foto tirada do link acima :
Foto tirada do link acima :
terça-feira, 5 de março de 2013
A grota das conchas

Foto , texto explicativo e link para o site original postados pela página do Facebook

" In 1835, young Joshua Newlove fell down a hole and inadvertently discovered Margate’s Shell Grotto. 70 feet of underground tunnels lead to a chamber decorated with arcane symbols made entirely from 4.6 million sea shells. The origins of this grotto is still a mystery. Some more info http://shellgrotto.co.uk/
*Speechless* "
sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2013
quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013
O herbalista e professor de artes marciais chinês que viveu 256 anos !

Foto , texto e link postados pela página do Facebook

" Li Ching-Yuen was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor who lived to the ripe old age of 256 and sired 200 descendants during his life span, surviving 23 wives. Ching-Yuen lived off a diet of herbs and rice wine inculding lingzhi, goji berry, wild ginseng, he shou wu and gotu kola. In a 1930 New York Times article, Professor Wu Chung-chieh of the University of Chengdu discovered Imperial Chinese government records from 1827, congratulating one Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday, and further documents later congratulating him on his 200th birthday in 1877 (Wikipedia, 2013). http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Li_Ching-Yuen "
Manfred Pohlmann - Lothringen ou Alsácia-Lorena , a região de fala germânica da França
Abaixo segue a letra , gentilmente me enviada por email pelo compositor da mesma , Manfred Pohlmann :
"LOTHRINGEN (fir de Jo Nousse)
Text: Manfred Pohlmann
Musik: Michael Thielen
Endlose Stroose von Bäm flankiert, verlieren sich am Horizont
Henner demm dann Paris seine Hochmut ausbrüded
Un och manche Hoffnung vom Wegloofe wohnt
Baueredörfjer met sprödem Charme, verschwiejene Angler am Fluss
Dausend Grabkreuze, Soldadefriedhöfe
Rotglühend Longwy, doch voll Staub un voll Russ.
Sanfde Hüjel met Wisse un Weide vorm Kollegräwerland
Friedliche Leit em Café des amis
Gän Le Pen off´nem Audo en geele Hand
Offem Marktplatz recht et Gemees un de Fesch, et wären Geschäfde gemacht
„Mir frecken“ stieht fett off ner Heiserwand
E Mädsche em enge Minirock lacht.
Un alles dat gett Lothringen
Arweidersiedlunge, graue Fabrigge, bondije Wäsch em Wend
Franzözije Pole, Algerier un Spanier
En preussische Sarde met ner Frau aus Tarent.
Menschliches Treibgut angeschwemmt, off der Soch no Arweit un Brut
Fir emmer zwesche bleiwe un Weggiehn schwangend
Met Liebe un Sanftmut, met Hass un Wut
Tous les samedis soirs läft dä selwe Film, Kneipe un Discos senn voll
Wärd geliebt un geschwaad, vill gesoff un gedanzt
Hiert me Stöhne, Tango un Rock ´n Roll
Off Rennräder rosen Radrenner eremm, fir l´Humanité un Campari
E paar dausend Leit stiehn am Strooserand
Junge senn off Brautschausafari
Un alles dat gett Lothringen
Schon von weidem sichtbar iwwerschadden dat Land
Vier bedrohlische Türm aus Beton
En Kathetrale aus Wahnsinn un Dommheit
Erdreggt dat kläne Dorf Cattenom
Die Kumpane kämpfen schonn su ville Johre, kommen nur langsam vom Fleck
Goliath grinst, David hätt kän Schleuder
Trotzdemm, dat Drecksding muss weg!
Un do senn dann die freundliche Gesichder, die Solidarität
Dat Bis-teef-en-die-Naachr-renn- zesammesetze
Un e Frehsteck dat fast en de Omend gerät
Dat ess Abschied un Ankunft, ess Komme un Giehn, ess Bewejung ohne Frooch
Et ess Esse un Tringe, senn Witze un Lache
Un net zeletzt och dä Kampf em uns Sprooch
Un alles dat gett Lothringen "
quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013
A história de um homem trans na Austrália em 1920
| By Anna Leach

Foto da capa do livro de Mark Tedeschi sobre o homem trans Eugene Falleni tirada do link supracitado
| By Anna Leach
Foto da capa do livro de Mark Tedeschi sobre o homem trans Eugene Falleni tirada do link supracitado
terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013
segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013
domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2013
sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013
Bronze da cultura Udmurt de um cavaleiro xamânico

Gravura e comentário explicativo postados pela página do Facebook

" Udmurt bronze of shamanic rider on horse with serpent boat, cum fish, from the easternmost edge of what they call "Europe," but is culturally part of Asia, as in Siberia. "
sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013
Desenho animado tártaro baseado no poema "Noite de inverno" de Gabdulla Tukay (1886 - 1913)
Desenho animado baseado em obra do poeta Tártaro Gabdulla Tukay (1886-1913) "Evening in Winter" (1909) gentilmente traduzido para o inglês ,com verdadeiro refinamento ,cabe notar, pelo canal que fez o upload do vídeo no youtube :
WebsiteGabdullaTukay traduziu :
" I like to watch the kids on winter nights at home,
The house is warm, they’re sitting by the stove.
The kids are joyful, one next to the other,
And nothing makes them sad and nothing seems to bother.
While listening to fairy tales, the night is not so long,
They do not hear the wind, howling and strong,
It’s angry, trying to tear down the wall.
The birds are all a’tremble, large and small.
Kids, feel lucky, you’re warm and fed,
Think of all those without home or bread.
No one to feed these poor orphans, no place to go,
Just this windy night with no tomorrow.
Frost is biting at their noses and ears,
Little icicles have grown from their tears.
Kids, remember all those poor and needy,
Think of them, don’t be selfish, heartless, greedy "
(fim da tradução dada pelo dono do canal supracitado)
quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013
Esquilo se refresca sobre pote de água gelada no verão

Observarção :Este esquilo vista uma casa todo dia e no verão procura comida e água gelada,desta vez resolveu se refrescar primeiro !
Foto e texto abaixo com link postados pela página do Facebook

"Funny story from my friend Michele!
"According to Oklahoma TV station KFOR, this is Charmin, a squirrel that visits Coyle, Okla., resident Annette Conley every day to get food and ice water. But it has been hot as squirrel balls in Oklahoma lately, with temperatures up to 115 degrees F, so Charmin clearly decided it would be a mistake to drink ice water without first lying around on top of it for a while. Basically, this is a reverse sauna for squirrels."
read more here:
http://grist.org/list/ its-so-hot-in-oklahoma-that -this-squirrel-melted/
(Fim da postagem da página supracitada)
A toupeira nariz-de-estrela

Foto , texto e link postados pela página do Facebook

The star-nosed mole lives in wet lowland areas and eats small invertebrates, aquatic insects, worms, mollusks, small amphibians and small fish[9] It is a good swimmer and can forage along the bottoms of streams and ponds. Like other moles, this animal digs shallow surface tunnels for foraging; often, these tunnels exit underwater. It is active day and night and remains active in winter, when it has been observed tunneling through the snow and swimming in ice-covered streams. Little is known about the social behavior of the species, but it is suspected to be colonial.
The star-nosed mole mates in late winter or early spring, and the female has one litter of typically four or five young in late spring or early summer. However, females are known to have a second litter if their first is unsuccessful. At birth, each offspring is about 5 cm long, hairless, and weighs about 1.5 g. Their eyes, ears, and star are all sealed, only opening and becoming useful about 14 days after birth. They become independent after about 30 days, and are fully mature after 10 months. Predators include the red-tailed hawk, great horned owl, various skunks and mustelids, and large fish, as well as domestic cats.
It is identified by the 11 pairs of pink fleshy appendages ringing its snout, which is used as a touch organ with more than 25,000 minute sensory receptors, known as Eimer's organs, with which this hamster-sized mole feels its way around. With the help of its Eimer's organs, it may be perfectly poised to detect seismic wave vibrations
YouTube Video: http://youtu.be/ SsvR4r1fCAQ The World's Weirdest Creature?
The star-nosed mole lives in wet lowland areas and eats small invertebrates, aquatic insects, worms, mollusks, small amphibians and small fish[9] It is a good swimmer and can forage along the bottoms of streams and ponds. Like other moles, this animal digs shallow surface tunnels for foraging; often, these tunnels exit underwater. It is active day and night and remains active in winter, when it has been observed tunneling through the snow and swimming in ice-covered streams. Little is known about the social behavior of the species, but it is suspected to be colonial.
The star-nosed mole mates in late winter or early spring, and the female has one litter of typically four or five young in late spring or early summer. However, females are known to have a second litter if their first is unsuccessful. At birth, each offspring is about 5 cm long, hairless, and weighs about 1.5 g. Their eyes, ears, and star are all sealed, only opening and becoming useful about 14 days after birth. They become independent after about 30 days, and are fully mature after 10 months. Predators include the red-tailed hawk, great horned owl, various skunks and mustelids, and large fish, as well as domestic cats.
It is identified by the 11 pairs of pink fleshy appendages ringing its snout, which is used as a touch organ with more than 25,000 minute sensory receptors, known as Eimer's organs, with which this hamster-sized mole feels its way around. With the help of its Eimer's organs, it may be perfectly poised to detect seismic wave vibrations
YouTube Video: http://youtu.be/
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