quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2021

quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2021

Vídeo sobre a saga dos hindus da Cachemira contra a intolerância religiosa (com legendas em inglês): Kashmir - The Saga of Hindu Struggle Against Jihad

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.
Postado pelo canal do Youtube Upword
Descrição do vídeo dada pelo canal:

"The centuries-long struggle of Kashmiri Hindus to keep the flag of Hindu civilization flying in Kashmir ended violently on January 19, 1990, when half a million Hindus were forced to leave the valley, their home for millennia. The Indian State was and continues to be a mute spectator."

quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2021

Invocação à Deusa Sidpe Gyalmo da Tradição Tibetana Yungdrung Bön: Invocation of ☆ Sidpe Gyalmo ☆

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose

Reproduzo aqui as maravilhosas explicações dadas pelo dono do canal sobre esta fascinante divindade da tradição Yungdrung Bön:

1.06K subscribers
"According to some Bön histories, it is said that the cult of goddess Sidpa Gyalmo as as Protector of Bön (Bön-skyong) was introduced by Shenchen Luga (gShen-chen klu-dga', 996-1035) from his Terma text discoveries at Dritsam Thakar ('Bri-mtshams mtha' dkar) in Tsang province in 1017. Indeed, the red Sidpa Gyalmo does come from this Terma collection. [See the Srid-rgyal dre'u dmar-mo'i rgyud dang 'grel-pa bcas.] Be that as it may, Sidpa Gyalmo riding the black mule (dre'u nag) became the special Guardian for Yeru Wensakha Monastery established in Tsang province by the Dru (Bru) clan, and she remains so for its successor monastery of Menri (sMan-ri). According to the textual sources, from out of the Dharmakaya Kuntu Zangmo (Bön-sku Kun tu bzang-mo) emanated the chief of the Matrika goddesses of the Bön tradition, Machok Sidpa Gyalmo (Ma-mchog Srid-pa'i rgyal-mo) "the Supreme Mother, the Queen of Existence." At the Sambhogakaya level, Sidpa Gyalmo manifested in 5 aspects: 1. Yeshe Walmo (Ye-shes dbal-mo) as the universal aspect, 2. Khagying Lhamo (mKha'-'gying lha-mo) as the pacifying aspect (zhi-ba), 3. Duyum Lhamo (dus yum lha-mo) as the increasing aspect (rgyas-pa), 4. Kasang Lhamo (bKa' gsang lha-mo) as the enchantment aspect (dbang), 5. Dedro Sang-yum (bDe 'gro gsang yum) as the fierce or destructive aspect (drag-po). Thereupon Sidpa Gyalmo emanated the various Dakinis attending her in her mandala. - In the center of the mandala is Thugtrul Nagmo (Thugs sprul nag-mo) or Kali, who is directly emanated from the Mind (thugs sprul) of Sidpa - Gyalmo. - She has a single face and 2 arms and is riding upon a black mule. - Therefore, she is called Dreu Nagmo (Dre'u nag-mo). - Then she emanates the 4 medicine goddesses (rdzu-'phrul sman bzhi) and the 6 time goddesses (dus drug) who are the watch-keepers over - the day, each watch being four hours. - Then she emanates: a.The 27 animal- and human-headed goddesses known as Walmo (dbal-mo nyer-bdun) b.Beyond them the 4 door-keeper goddesses (sgo-ma bzhi) c. The 9 female generals (dmag-dpon-ma dgu) d. The the 12 Tenma goddesses (brtan-ma bcu-gnyis). At the Bönpo monastery at Dolanji, in Himachal Pradesh, India, there is still performed a Cham or Lama dance called Srid-rgyal dus drug, devoted to representing these 6 time goddesses who are aspects of Sidpa Gyalmo. Each of these goddesses has her particular watch of the day and has a different colour and attributes, as follows: 1. Sogchodma (Srog-gcod-ma), who is black in color, has the watch of the evening (srod), 2. Zhendebma (gZhen-'debs-ma), who is blue in color, has the watch of midnight (nam gung), 3. Wangdudma (dBang-sdud-ma), who is white in color, has the watch of daybreak (tho-rangs), 4. Odtroma ('Od-'phro-ma), who is yellow in color, has the watch of sun rise and early morning (nyi shar), 5. Trasalma (bKra-gsal-ma), who is red in color, has the watch of midday (nyin phyed), and 6. Zersalma (Zer-gsal-ma), who is purple-brown in color, has the watch of late afternoon and sunset (phyi 'phrod)."

Nota: Eu seu aspecto universal, sua manifestação como a Senhora Yeshe Walmo, ela é uma deidade à qual se deve pedir proteção em especial, seja para nós mesmos ou para nossos entes queridos, em tempos difíceis como os pelos quais estamos passando, i.e. de uma pandemia!

segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2021

Mais um vídeo do canal Meneer Wiersma com legendas em inglês e no idioma original (narrado em Frísio Ocidental, o oficial da região da Frísia): "It Lânskip fan Nederlân"

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.

Nota: Sempre que eu assisto a algum vídeo de uma língua que eu tento aprender, procuro acompanhar a pronúncia das palavras concomitantemente com as legendas no idioma com sua tradução inglesa.

Ao notar alguma diferença mais pronunciada entre a fala e a escrita, sempre pergunto aos criadores dos vídeos sobre o que percebi e, no caso, o Sr. Meneer Wiersma gentilmente ofereceu-me as explicações para todas as minhas dúvidas.

Reproduzo suas respostas, para ajudar os que também gostam de observar estes aspectos nos vídeos de línguas estrangeiras com legendas:

Primeiro, perguntei-lhe sobre o fonema que eu ouvira em algumas palavras, que me parecei um /l/, ao invés do 'r' nelas grafado e que eu pensara fosse um traço de sua variante local, transparecendo na fala da forma supradialetal da língua (o frísio ocidental oficial).

Eis sua primeira resposta:

Meneer Wiersma
Thanks for listening so carefully! In fact, to hardly pronounce the letter R is a Dutch thing. It is definitely not an L. It is simply so soft that only Dutch people notice it. It happens with the letter N at the end too. For example Meneer Wiersma uit Nederland / Mr Wiersma from the Netherlands is pronounced by many Dutch people almost as Meneea Wieasma uit Nedahland. I myself only noticed, listening back now, the missing R in my pronunciation of Nederlân, sounding like Nedelân. The pronunciation of the letter R is often a marker of social class and region. Posh people plus some cities of the Holland region of the Netherlands would have an American R. Many others would have a soft more French sort of R. Frisians and Caribbean Dutch would have strong rolling R's like Scots or Spaniards. So, as you notice my letter R is not American, nor especially rolling, although a bit. I guess my pronunciation is a general educated but not posh North-Netherlands accent, both when I speak Dutch as when I speak Frisian. About speaking so fast, I know, I'm sorry. Any slower would scare off my local audience in the region. That's why I included subtitles, expecially for you I did the English ones too. The next video will also be in Frisian, about cities, I'll try to work on the slowly-yet-still-lively pace of speaking. I'm not advanced enough in my computer skills to slow down existing videos. Thanks again for you feedback and interest!

Quando continuei a assistir ao vídeo, notei no trecho 3:56 uma inversão dos termos 

' yn ús grûn tsjinkomst', que me parecia ser pronunciado como 'tsjinkomst yn /y/ ús grûn'.

Seu esclarecimento, como sempre, muito gentil e solícito:

Unfortunately I am not a qualified linguist, I am a geography teacher. It would be a different level of expertise for me to make a phonetic transcription for you. I will include something about phonetics in one of my next videos. About the letter R a little fun fact I'd like to add: the American R is not Frisian, but it does exist in Dutch, my comment about posh was about the R in the entire Netherlands, in the Dutch language. In Frisian you got the rolling R "rollende r" and you got the French r in the throat, which we call braue "to brew". Most Frisians use either, not both. Not everyone can do rolling R's I guess. Of course you can use my comments on the letter R, but I'm not a linguist! Just consider it an observation from a native speaker who didn't study for this. I don't need any credit for this general knowledge. Finally, if you are really into Frisian, the experts are the Afûk, which is an abbreviation of General Frisian Education Commission. They also do courses for Hollanders who move to Friesland. Thanks again for your interest and appreciation, and I'll be in touch once I post another one. Have a nice day!"

Para os que estão adiantados no Hebraico (não é o meu caso:-)), gostaria de sugerir um estudioso israelense com trabalhos interessantíssimos postados no site Academia.edu: professor Eli Yassif!

Eis aqui uma lista de seus trabalhos postados no site:

Contexts of Folklore, 2019
From 'Legends of the Bible' to 'Folktales of the Jews': Towards a History of Jewish Folkloristics

Martin Goodman (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002
Introductory note Our survey aims at a critical examination of modern research on medieval Hebrew... more 

Steven T. Katz (ed.), The Cambridge History of Judaism: The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006

The contribution of Joseph Dan to the study of Jewish hagiography, and in particular to the study... more 

Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 1994
... r?e, il est clair que lorsqu'il les transposait par ?crit, il souhaitait ne conser ver q... more 
Fabula, 1982
... At the age of one year he is taken to study Torah, and teadies his tutor musar (ethics) and d... more 

Nota: Colnsegui achar um de seus títulos traduzido para o inglês, à venda no site da Amazon e deixei uma pergunta ao ilustre professor no site sobre possívels traduções de outros seus trabalhos para o inglês:

The Legend of Safed: Life and Fantasy in the City of Kabbalah (Raphael Patai Series in Jewish Folklore and Anthropology)