quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017

Vislumbres da vida das comunidades judaicas antes do Holocausto da Segunda Grande Guerra. Glimpses of Jewish Life before the Holocaust

Shared for sole educational purposes. All rights belongs to the producers of the video.

Nota: O Holocausto da Segunda Grande Guerra - cujas vítimas também contaram com Romani (erroneamente chamados 'ciganos'), gays, lésbicas e transexuais e todos os que resistiam à nefasta ideologia nazista - não foi o único a vitimar tantos judeus, infelizmente: ao longo dos séculos tanto no hemisfério ocidental como no oriental, houve vários outros massacres perpetrados contra o povo hebreu.

 Informações, links e texto publicado pelo canal no Youtube do Yad Vashem, centro de memória do Holocausto ou HaShoah (nome da tragédia em hebraico).

This video is part of the Holocaust Education Video Toolbox. For more videos and teaching aids, visit: http://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/educat....
On the eve of WWII, the interwar Jewish world was creative and complex, a rich mosaic, full of change and hope for the future. Within a decade, most of Europe would be conquered by Nazi Germany. By 1945 two out of every three of these Jews were silenced forever.
The sights and sounds of this video are those of the Jews of Europe before the Holocaust. In their own words, through their diaries, letters and notebooks, and through their family films.
Sheryl Silver-Ochayon is a staff member at the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Glimpses of Jewish Life before the Holocaust - 2:11
Archival footage and photographs:
- Yad Vashem Archives
- Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the World Zionist organization.
- EYE Filmmuseum, the Netherlands
Quotes from:
Tatelbaum, Itzhak. Through Our Eyes – Children Witness the Holocaust, Yad Vashem International School for Holocaust Stady, Jerusalem 2004.
Every effort has been made to locate the copyright holders to obtain the appropriate permissions and apply the correct attributions. If you have any information that would help us in relation to copyright, please contact us: internet.education@yadvashem.org.il
Film produced by Mikooka Productions - http://www.mikooka.com.

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