WATCH: Holocaust survivors joyfully watch video of the moment they won their freedom. Their reactions are truly...
Posted by The Israel Project on Thursday, February 11, 2016

Divulgar culturas ancestrais - em geral politeístas mas não necessariamente - e conhecimentos pouco ou não divulgados pela mídia mainstream. No copyright infringement intended. I do NOT own ANY rights to the videos here embedded NOR TO ANY OF THEIR CONTENT WHATSOEVER. The same applies to the Facebook pages material shared on this blog.
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Aproveite para conhecer o poema quase homônimo de Zelda Schneersohn Mishkovsky (June 20, 1914 – April 30, 1984) (Hebrew: זלדה שניאורסון-מישקובסקי) e que, certamente, inspirou o título deste documentário !
ResponderExcluirThanks to my dear spiritual sister Sigalit Purple Sun for sharing this!
Sigalit Purple Sun: 'Zelda is an Israeli Poet who was born and raised in Jerusalem. She was a teacher most of her life. Kind and humble and accessible, she always accepted guests at her home.“Everyone has a name” '
Poem by Zelda
[translated from Hebrew]
"Everyone has a name
given to him by God
and given to him by his parents.
Everyone has a name
given to him by his stature
and the way he smiles.
and given to him by his clothing
Everyone has a name
given to him by the mountains
and given to him by the walls.
Everyone has a name
given to him by the stars
and given to him by his neighbors.
Everyone has a name
given to him by his sins
and given to him by his longing.
Everyone has a name
given to him by his enemies
and given to him by his love.
Everyone has a name
given to him by his holidays
and given to him by his work.
Everyone has a name
given to him by the seasons
and given to him by his blindness.
Everyone has a name
given to him by the sea and
given to him
by his death."
Página do Documentário no Facebook (o link também é dado na postagem da página The Israel Project):
Alguns links sobre Zelda:
O poema, com o original hebraico lado a lado das estrofes com a tradução inglesa:
Obra com poesias selecionadas da poetisa à venda pela
Link para comprar o DVD ou para assistir online (pago) o documentário no site Vimeo: