Uma compilação de links feita por mim há algum tempo sobre a legitimidade do moderno estado de Israel, a contínua presença de judeus na Terra Santa, mesmo após a expulsão das elites israelitas pelos invasores romanos, os cripto-judeus de Gaza ainda existentes na região, os palestinos descendentes de judeus convertidos e a causa A Jordânia é a Palestina:
Many links proving the legitimacy of modern Israel and the continued presence of Jews in the Holy Land since Roman times and other related topics:
The Jews/Israelis/Israelite Legal Right to Palestine, the Land of Israel.
Palestine testimonies and Jewish heritage
Palestinians have Jewish ancestry - Part 1
Palestinians have Jewish ancestry - Part 2
Indigenous people of Palestine are Jews- Historian Bradley Gordon at AIPAC '14
Continuous Jewish Presence in the Holy Land
The Jewish Connection to Israel Throughout History
Old Yishuv
Children of the Old Yishuv -- Jerusalem, 80 Years Ago
Many of the lies spread by anti-zionists rebuked :
By Rockwell Lazareth
'Jews That Never Left Israel and Judah
Palestinian Myths
Jordan Is Palestinian
F L A M E : Jordan: Is it or is it not Palestine?
Is Jordan Palestine? by Daniel Pipes and Adam Garfinkle
Jordanian Palestinian leader supports the cause Jordan is Palestine
Jordan is Palestinian, Mudar Zahran interview
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