quarta-feira, 29 de julho de 2015

Dom Dinis " O que vos nunca cuidei a dizer" e bibliografia em inglês para a lírica galego-portuguesa.

 'Dom Dinis "O que vos nunca cuidei a dizer" (Cantiga de Amor)'
Spanish and English translation from the Galician-Portuguese original given by the Youtube channel sh4m69:
"Never did I dare to tell you one thing,
that now I must, my lady,
for I want to die for you.
I never told you
how my love for you was killing me;
for you know well that of any other woman
neither was I afraid nor I am.
And that is why
I fear you,
since I made it known that
I love another, of whom,
as you know, I fear nothing;
and now, my lady,
were you to kill me, I accept it as my lot.
And, I beg you, do think
I die with relish, as I know that
I will have no pleasure whilst
I yet live,
and I know that,
If I die of my love for you, my lady,
I could not be other than glad."

Related links:
"Glossário da Poesia Medieval Profana Galego-Portuguesa"
"Galician Language: Pride and Survival"
PDF gratuito: "500 Cantigas d´Amigo"
EDIÇÃO CRÍTICA DE / CRITICAL EDITION BY RIP COHEN Tradução da introdução e glosas a versos por Isabel Rodrigues

The Galician language:
Medieval Galician-Portuguese song (Cantiga de Amigo):
Neste fórum, há também alguns vídeos incorporados:
PDF de download gratuito:"Technical Virtuosity in the Cantigas d’Amigo' By Rip Cohen (Professor da John Hopkins University)

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