segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2015

Os elos célticos que unem o norte de Portugal e da Espanha com as regiões celtas do resto da Europa

Mapa e comentário postados pela página do Facebook  Celtic Northern Portugal
Yesterday · 

"Two different Countries and regions with the same old Celtic designation.
Cumbria UK - the names "Cumbria", "Cymru" (the native Welsh name for Wales), "Cambria" (the medieval Latinization of Welsh Cymru) and "Cumberland" are derived from the name these people gave themselves, *kombroges in Brittonic, which originally meant 'compatriots'

Vale de Cambra, Northern Portugal, from the old Celtic designation Calambriga. The toponyms ending in "Briga" are an old celtic designation for "fortified town". -Briga is derived from one of these roots: *bhergh-. In Old Irish (OI) we have nom. Brí (< *brig-s), acc. brig, gen. breg, dat. brí. The word is also well attested in other Celtic languages"
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