"The Truth about Genetically Modified Food"
" Proponents of genetically modified crops say the technology is the only way to feed a warming, increasingly populous world. Critics say we tamper with nature at our peril. Who is right?"
Sobre o autor:
"David H. Freedman has been covering science, business and technology for 30 years. His most recent book, Wrong, explores the forces that cause scientists and other experts to mislead us."
"The Truth about Genetically Modified Food"
" Proponents of genetically modified crops say the technology is the only way to feed a warming, increasingly populous world. Critics say we tamper with nature at our peril. Who is right?"
Dicas do Scientific American sobre mais artigos sobre o assunto:
"The Truth about Genetically Modified Food"
" Proponents of genetically modified crops say the technology is the only way to feed a warming, increasingly populous world. Critics say we tamper with nature at our peril. Who is right?"
Dicas do site do Scientific American de outros artigos sobre o assunto:
Food, Inc.: Mendel to Monsanto—The Promises and Perils of the Biotech Harvest. Peter Pringle. Simon & Schuster, 2003.
Tough Lessons from Golden Rice. Martin Enserink in Science, Vol. 320, pages 468–471; April 25, 2008.
Case Studies: A Hard Look at GM Crops. Natasha Gilbert in Nature, Vol. 497, pages 24–26; May 2, 2013. www.nature.com/news/case-studies-a-hard-look-at-gm-crops-1.12907
Food, Inc.: Mendel to Monsanto—The Promises and Perils of the Biotech Harvest. Peter Pringle. Simon & Schuster, 2003.
Tough Lessons from Golden Rice. Martin Enserink in Science, Vol. 320, pages 468–471; April 25, 2008.
Case Studies: A Hard Look at GM Crops. Natasha Gilbert in Nature, Vol. 497, pages 24–26; May 2, 2013. www.nature.com/news/case-studies-a-hard-look-at-gm-crops-1.12907
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