Divulgar culturas ancestrais - em geral politeístas mas não necessariamente - e conhecimentos pouco ou não divulgados pela mídia mainstream. No copyright infringement intended. I do NOT own ANY rights to the videos here embedded NOR TO ANY OF THEIR CONTENT WHATSOEVER. The same applies to the Facebook pages material shared on this blog.
quarta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2014
segunda-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2014
Ser vegano não é querer demonstrar falso orgulho de pretensa superioridade: é bioética compassiva, é tentar fazer algo pelos não humanos já na sua dieta alimentar, mesmo quando você não puder fazer nada além disto.

Cartaz e comentário postados pela página do Facebook Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, Vegan Author and Speaker
"Don't do nothing because you can't do everything. Do something. Anything."
Thanks to buddy Heather Michael Leughmyer for sharing this posting !
sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2014
Textos perdidos de antigos pesquisadores de contos de fada alemães confirmam estudos de Maria Tatar sobre sua verdadeira natureza.
Link sugerido pela página do Facebook Covenant of the Goddess
Excelente link interno relacionado ao assunto :
Excelente link interno relacionado ao assunto :
Befana, a bruxinha Noel italiana da noite de Epifania (5 de janeiro)
Uma pesquisa do Google para os que quiserem poupar tempo:
" La Befana in Rome - Italian Christmas Traditions by Walks of Italy "
Uploaded by the Youtube channel
Uma pesquisa do Google para os que quiserem poupar tempo:
Interessante artigo relacionado ao assunto, sugerido pela página do Facebook Covenant of the Goddess
Interessante artigo relacionado ao assunto, sugerido pela página do Facebook Covenant of the Goddess
segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014
Um sumário das obras de J.R.R. Tolkien
' A brief summary of J.R.R.Tolkien's
for the fantasy-impaired '
Second edition by Jack A. Barker
Faça de uma vivência vegana seu melhor presente de Natal para os não humanos: eles são senscientes, sentem medo, dor ,falta de afeto e querem viver como nós !

Cartaz, comentário e links para sites com receitas veganas postados pela página do Facebook
Very Vegan Christmas: http://www.viva.org.uk/
Viva! Mini-Guide to Cruelty-Free Christmas:http://www.viva.org.uk/
Here's some delicious cruelty-free recipes for the festive season:
Help with going vegan:
Thanks to Facebook buddy Heather Michael Leughmyer for sharing this link !
quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2014
segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2014
O canto deste pássaro fantástico é maravilhosamente exótico
Vídeo e comentário postados pela página do Facebook

" This bird sounds just like a laser! "

" This bird sounds just like a laser! "
Duas vacas procuram confortar uma a outra no matadouro

Foto e sua descrição com citação de Cayce Mell (do Peaceable Kingdom) com link para vídeo do Youtube dados pela página do Facebook
Esdaw - European Society of Dog and Animal Welfare.
"I have unfortunately been inside slaughterhouses and can tell you that the animals are not willingly walking up to the end of the kill line and sticking their necks out. These animals fight with every bit of strength they have left at the end of that kill line. They don’t want to die and they know it’s coming.”
~ Cayce Mell (Peaceable Kingdom) (Please watch - nothing graphic) -
" VIDEO -I Am Scared and Do Not Want To Die (Please watch - nothing graphic) - love and light "
Thanks to my Facebook buddy Heather Michael Leughmyer for sharing this link !
domingo, 14 de dezembro de 2014
Uma pata pede ajuda para seus filhotes
Eles sentem como nós, sofrem, amam ...
Vídeo e comentário postados pela página do Facebook Santuário Gaia:
"VIDEO] Mum duck asking for help to rescue her children"
Vídeo e comentário postados pela página do Facebook Santuário Gaia:
"VIDEO] Mum duck asking for help to rescue her children"
sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2014
Dois documentários sobre a condição trans
Laverne Cox e o Mundo Trans
Este será um documentário em forma de seriado :
My Transparent Life
Este será um documentário em forma de seriado :
My Transparent Life
quinta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2014
segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2014
Queijos veganos : a solução para os que amam queijos e querem adotar o veganismo

Cartazes, comentário e links postados pela página do Facebook

"I recognize that cheese is addictive and for many people, giving it up can be difficult. If you find yourself craving animal cheese, remember that it’s just temporary and it will pass. In time, you’ll likely find that you don’t miss it in the least. For me, what ultimately helped was changing my way of thinking. I didn't think of 'giving up cheese,' rather, I thought of 'giving up animal cruelty....' And that made all the difference." ~Jo Tyler
I Couldn’t Give Up Cheese, So I Gave Up Animal Cruelty Instead:
Lots of info and recipes here: https://www.facebook.com/EVOLVECampaigns/photos/a.10150345905043769.366365.101225828768/10152395426663769/?type=3&theater
See More — with Mendy Thomason and Nonhuman Emancipation
See More — with Mendy Thomason and Nonhuman Emancipation

EVOLVE! Campaigns
Rae Sikora says: "Cheese-aholics, I totally understand! I am a complete cheese-aholic. But, for the last three decades I have chosen to be a compassionate cheese-aholic and I do not consume any animal products. So, now, I ...can have my "cheese" and eat it too! If you LOVE goat cheese, try the recipe below... it will make you so happy and it is easy to make. If you just want something to buy at the store, get Daiya cheese and make lasagna, burritos, quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwiches.... you get the picture. Others, add your comments about your favorite compassionate vegan cheese recipes and ideas! Let's get everyone on FB off the cheese addiction!" '
" Pepper-Crusted Cashew Goat Cheese
Cashews become very creamy and smooth when blended, which makes them perfect for this cheese. It's aged at room temperature, then baked just until dry to the touch.
¾ cup raw cashews
¼ cup lemon juice
1 Tbs. tahini
1 ¼ tsp. salt
1 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper
1. Place cashews in large bowl; cover with 3 inches water. Soak overnight.
2. Drain liquid, rinse cashews under cold water, and drain again. Purée cashews, lemon juice, tahini, salt, and 2 Tbs. water in food processor 6 minutes, or until smooth and creamy.
Spoon cashew mixture into three layers of cheesecloth. Fold sides of cloth over cheese, and form into 6-inch-long oval loaf. Let it sit out for about 8
3. Dehydrate until firm on the outside, but soft on the inside. Time depends on the temperature that you use for the dehydration. If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can bake for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.
4. Unwrap cheese. Sprinkle with peppercorns, pressing to adhere. "
More links:
Groundbreaking, Game Changing Vegan Cheese Is Here:
Vegan "Cheese" Recipes and Ideas:
14 Vegan Cheeses That Will Make You Forget About The Real Thing:
2013 Was My Epic Year Of Vegan Cheese Making! And Now, The Vegan Cheese Book
Showdown: It’s Artisan Vegan Cheese V. The Non-Dairy Formulary:
Vegan cheeses you can buy (USA)
Vegan cheeses you can buy (UK)
Quando as manchas de sangue são mais importantes para os pais do que o sofrimento do bebê há algo errado
"For all those who ask how to keep blood off cloth diapers, but refuse to research circumcision or the purposes of the prepuce... If you care more about your cloth stash than your son, is there something wrong?
The bloodshed of circumcision damages far more than cloth diapers..."
www.Facebook.com/ FutureSons
[Thank you to Lindsey of Know Better, Do Better Birth Services for sharing her son's cloth picture with us.]
The bloodshed of circumcision damages far more than cloth diapers..."
[Thank you to Lindsey of Know Better, Do Better Birth Services for sharing her son's cloth picture with us.]
sábado, 6 de dezembro de 2014
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