segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

Comunidades remotas de aborígenes australianos são vitais para a conservação da vida selvagem do país, segundo este artigo de Craig Moritz, Emilie-Jane Ens & Jon Altman.

23rd March 2015
 Publicado no site no link abaixo:

   Link para o emocionante vídeo no Youtube (também está incorporado no artigo):

' "Our ancestors were Rangers - we were Rangers for 40,000 years and are Rangers today. It's a responsibility for us to look after those things. I am owned by and have ownership of those things ... ownership to a tree or stone or billabong.
"We are not doing this for ourselves. We are doing this for our Country and for our people and for the sake of our culture, keeping our culture alive and strong. '
Cherry Wulumirr Daniels, Senior Ngandi Traditional Owner and founder of the Yugul Mangi Women Rangers in Ngukurr

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